6 Never Tell Her Anything

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6  Never Tell Her Anything 

My palms were clammy and the butterflies in my stomach were in a frenzy as I approached the group. I hesitantly looked back at my handler in hopes of him signaling off this ridiculous plan.

So much for him being good at his job.

Each step I took that edged me closer to my old friend felt like I was getting to close to the fire on a cold November night. Inevitably , I was bound to get burned. 

I approached the empty chair that next to Hudson, who had yet to acknowledge my presence. "Is this seat taken?" I asked. My voice was laced with confidence I needed to have in order for this to work.

The strawberry blonde girl, that had coffee now stained on her jeans, saw me first and gaped at me. Her name was at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't get it out. Wanting so desperately to touch my face to make sure nothing was on it, I fiddled with my fingers. She pulled herself forward making her chair that had been on the two back legs now on all four. The chair slammed to the ground, but she was not startled by the noise, but rather fascinated with me.

"You're the-um. You're Sage Richards..." She dragged out her words. It was obvious she was trying hard to not come off rude, but still get the information she wanted. "Right?" She titled her head in hope.

Hudson's shoulders tensed at the mention of my name, and he quickly threw his head over his left shoulder. His brown eyes met mine. The warmth that was so familiar with his eyes no longer were intact. Replaced with stone that not even I, a trained killer and hacker, could get passed.

Then he got up from his chair and towered over me. I didn't know what he was planning on doing considering her cold face, but then he reached out and grabbed me. He pulled me into his arms. He mumbles into my ear, only meant for me to hear, "'I've missed you so much, Sage."

This time, I was the one to tense. 

As much as I wanted to melt into him, I couldn't.

I was back to kill his father.

I brushed it off before anyone could pick up on it, and laughed. "I'm back," I said warmly. I gestured to the chair, "May I?"

Just then, I realized I knew all of them. Not personally, but they were the kids that were in the popular crowd back at school. I'd spent months trying to get into their group with zero success. Soon I had stopped trying altogether, not because I no longer wanted to be in the group, but because Hudson told me they weren't all that great, anyway.

Look at him now. 

Hanging out with them in an empty coffee house on a Friday night.

One of the boys, I recognized as Sean, even though his used to be black hair that could easily go into a man bun, was now a buzzcut. He immediately scooted over and offered me coffee. I held my hand up in protest. "I've already had one for the night."

Kennedy, a girl with braids down to her waist that sat directly in front of me, asked, "You haven't started living on the edge until you have had at least three lattes in one sitting."

Before I can respond, Hudson's phone starts ringing. A girl with dark brown hair that glides down her face with green eyes, pop up on his phone. Instantly, I remember as Mila. He grabs it fast, as if he didn't want anyone to see it. He got up quickly, and went away from the table to answer it. 

I looked around to pick up on everyone else' body language from his actions. 

"That happens a lot," the girl I could remember the name too said.

"Seriously," Kennedy agreed. "Aurora and I just sit here looking awkward whenever Mila calls him. It's almost like Hudson has something to hide when it comes to her... which isn't true because Mila is our best friend."


Kennedy is an open book. 

Remind me never to tell her anything.

I looked over my right shoulder at both Hudson and Officer Gomez.

Both had their eyes narrowed on me. 

I turned around and soon Hudson came back over. "That was Mila."

"I think we knew that Sherlock," Aurora told him. 

He scorned at her and continued, "She can't come out, but she said we can go over to her house.  What do you think? Want to?"

For the first time in a while, Blake speaks up, "You comin' Sage?"

I shook my head. "I better get home, and sleep this caffeine off." As I ended my sentence, there was a car horn from outside. Due to the outside lights of the coffee house, a BMW convertible was on full displayed. Inside the car, was Officer Gomez. 

"That's my ride." I smiled. "Nice seeing you all."

I started to walk towards the doors as Hudson called out, "Will we see you on Monday at school?"

Without turning around, I answered, "Yes."

On the drive home, Officer Gomez had told me his first name, Kai. He also told me about how awful of a starting point I was at and that he would have to 'work his ass off' in order for me to live up to his reputation.

Please, I could do that in my sleep.

Sneaking back into my room that was on the second floor was on a whole different level. By the time I managed to climb my five foot one self into the window, I needed another shower. The lights to everyone's room were off, which put my mind to ease.

I threw on an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants, climbed in bed, and let sleep over take my body.

It felt like two minutes since I had fallen asleep when my mom came barging in. "We have the meeting with the police today, remember?"

My throat was raspy as I agreed. It was sunny outside despite the January weather, and my thought of it only being about one in the morning.

"Be ready in thirty minutes." She said over her shoulder, leaving the room.

I collapsed on top of my pillow, heaving a sigh of complaints.

This was going to be a long day.


#homesweethome #weclomeback #openbook #badbitch #reunion

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