1 The Crazy Lady Told Me I Was Going to Die

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The crazy lady told me I was going to die young. The crazy lady, with strands of white hair that poked out from her low bun, told me I was going to die, as an adolescent. The crazy lady, with wrinkles so prominent that made her looked like she'd been in the bath too long, told me I would not live to have a diploma in my hand.

But then again, it was just a crazy lady. 

I stood in front of hundreds of my peers as I was about to give my first class President speech of senior year. Faces I recognized, others I had never seen, stared at me. Behind their eyes read taunt, as if they were daring me to choke. 

My shoulders were pressed back and my chin pointed in the air that was gradually becoming thick. Tension from the audience or me, I could not tell. I gave a breath to calm my nerves that were twitching to be set free. It only made it worse. My throat constricted each time I drew in for a breath or released with an exhale. Soon it blocked the air from reaching my lungs. Sweat dabbled on my forehead and my eyes saw the audience double in attendees. I gripped the edge of the podium. I forced myself to take quick puffs, even though it seemed useless.

"Sage?" a faint voice called out. Instead of turning to see who had called my name, my head span my body for me. Firm hands held my shoulders in place before my limbs could go limp. Brown eyes met my green ones. The warmth and familiarity they held allowed for my throat to loosen its grip of the air around. "Take a minute. I'll do my vice president speech while you're out." He smiled. His blonde hair flopped to the side as he maneuvered to center stage to welcome back our student body. 

Without looking to see anyone shooting daggers into my back, although I felt them, I nearly sprinted off to the wings of the stage. Only then did I turn to see Hudson selling himself to the people. He fist pumped the air as he talked about morale and spirit for this year. Before I knew it, a small smile had stretched onto my face seeing the student body responding to him. He could definitely run for president one day. 

If only he wasn't selfless, I thought to myself. He knew I wanted to make a difference in the community, so instead of running for President like he should have, he advocated towards me. He was the only reason I won. 

How stupid was he?

Instead of running on stage to join my V.P, I took off in the other direction, existing the auditorium. Since it was after school, most people were either at practice, in the class meeting, or if lucky, home, so the hallways were abandoned. On the downside, it meant anyone could run amuck.

As I passed dark classrooms, I realized even teachers had fled campus already. I hadn't thought it could have been too late since it seemed school just ended. I glanced down at my watch, but before I could read it, a loud bang rang out at the end of the hallway. 

My shoulders tensed and my hands flew up, making me drop my phone. A custodian appeared from the girl's bathroom with his large trashcan and cleaning supplies. He gave me a polite head nod and I smiled back. 

I picked up my phone and as I was about to head back to the auditorium, a hand shot over my mouth. 

My eyes shot wide open. My hands gripped the forearms of the person holding me. I sank my nails into their exposed skin, yet all it did was make them yelp, cursed at me, and pull me tighter to their chest. Man in black with their faces covered came out from the other end of the hallway where the custodian was and approached us. 

Where was the custodian? Help me!

Panic seized through my body and all that came out were tears. I shook my head as they got closer, as if it would make a difference. My eyes were darting everywhere trying to find a way out of this insane joke! 

I prayed someone heard me struggling. Someone had to hear me struggling! I was being harassed by a bunch of tall kids. 

"Pl-wease!" My beg was muffled due to the attacker's hand clammed down on my mouth. My breathing had picked up to short, but sharp breaths through my nose. "I'll do any-tithing! I won't tw-ell anyone! No tw-eachers will know!" 

A manly groan came from behind me as if I had told an awful joke. "Shut her up about school. It's giving me flashbacks." 

Shivers shot up my back when I felt a cold, metal object press against my skull. My eyes squeezed shut forcing even more tears to fall onto the floor. 

"No!" Commanded the man who had told me to be quiet about school. "She's useless if she's dead." 

The person behind me grunted in either objection or agreement, I couldn't tell. What I could tell was that I was close to dying. If not by them, then by the heart attack I was ninety-nine percent sure I was having. 

I shook my head repeatedly in a silent plead to tell them to stop. 

The person who held me tighter than a boa constrictor squeezing it's prey wore a watch. A tan, leather one that read 5:03 PM. In that moment, that time would be embedded into my memory as many things. 

The time I was taken; the time of my death; the time I was reborn.  

Somehow, some sickening way, there was a silver lining.

The crazy lady who told me I was going to die young. The crazy lady that had strands of grey flyaways that told me I would not live a long life. The crazy lady that was so old, but looked wise beyond her years told me my future.

The crazy lady was right. 


#saveoursage #sos

-You decide how your life turns out and make your own fate (can change destiny)

-Your life plan is already written out for you and everything you do leads you toward your destiny (cannot change destiny)

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