5 Sage Richards is Back in Town

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5  Sage Richards is Back in Town

Sneaking out through my window made me feel like my life was about to end. My bedroom was on the top floor and the drop down was far and hard on the feet. So I used my bedsheets and climbed down like I was rock climbing. 

Sometimes teen movies do help in real life. 

Now, I sat in a booth at The Coffee Bean. I kept my head down, looking at the design in my cappuccino. The barista had created a microphone along side several different music notes to promote tonight being open mic night. 

My handler had picked this place because it would be crowded and we wouldn't look suspicious, but I had a hard time believing The Coffee Bean would be bursting at it's seams tonight. I could count on one hand of the amount of people that filled the place. 

Not wanting to mess up the design of my coffee, I ordered another one. 

The barista had purple hair in a messy pony tail with piercing all over her face; her nose, lip, eyebrow. When she came back with my drink, I thanked her by taking a sip and smiling. 

As I was putting down my cup, a rowdy crowd piled into the coffeeshop. 

I had pulled out the disposable phone and texted the number that had called me earlier.

Where are you?

The phone made a sound alerting me the person had texted back, but before I could check it, the group of teens screeched loudly. 

My head lowered, hoping they had not recognized me. I covered my face with my hand as my elbow rested on the table. Slyly, I looked through my fingers. 

They weren't looking over at me. Instead what happened is that one of the girls squealed because the blonde boy sitting directly in front of her spilled coffee on her. "I can't believe you did that!" She hissed. 

Only chuckles were heard from the guy. 

The barista that had previously gave me my drink, rushed over with napkins. Nothing could hide the annoyance that was marked all over her face. 

"It was an accident!" The guy protested.

My ears perked up to the sound of his voice. I knew that voice. I would always know that voice even if it was autotuned like a famous pop star's song on the radio. 

It was Hudson.

I could only see the back of his head which made me realized why I hadn't noticed him before. He no longer had the blonde hair I loved, instead it was placed with brunette locks. It was a bit longer, now reaching his ears. His shoulders were broader, too. 

Probably from the hours of training he use to put into the gym for baseball. 

A napkin was dangled in front of my face, and I straightened my back being caught off guard. 

An-out-of-uniform-Officer Gomez stood in front of me, blocking my view of my old best friend. 

"You should take this," he said, handing me the napkin.

Startled, I looked up at him questioning, "Um, thank you?"

I grabbed the napkin and placed it on my lap.

"You were drooling over the guy with the baseball tee, just thought I was helping."

I gasped. "I was not!" I whisper screamed trying not to draw attention our way. "Not to be rude, sir," I added in there although he was no where being called sir anytime soon. He looked to be straight of out college. "but what are you doing here?"

A smug smirk stretched onto his face. He leaned over taking the cup that held the microphone and music notes. Before I could stop him, he had gone and taken a sip, destroying the art I adored so much. 

A frown sketched onto my face. 

"I'm your handler, duh."

Somehow my eyes remained inside my head at the news. "You're my what?" I looked towards Hudson and the rest of his group confirming they hadn't heard me. "But you're so... young."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm young, attractive, brilliant, quick. Yes, already knew this. Thank you for confirming."

Smart ass.

"Why are you my handler when we are basically the same age?" 

He made a 'tsk' sound with his tongue in response. "I'm experienced in this line of work." He told me sticking his chin out in pride.

I narrowed my eyes on him. "Okay, so what does being a handler entail?"

"I'm here to advise you on executive decisions within the mission, and walk you through esc step since you are a newbie." His eyes lit up as if he remembered something, "Oh! And I report back to Miranda, of course." 

"Report the good stuff or the bad stuff?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Both, but as of right now, it's mainly bad."

I gasped once again and leaned most of my body over the table. My butt was off the booth seat and my tiptoes were holding myself up. "Bad? I haven't done anything yet!"

"That's the point. You have been here for a full week and have yet to advance the mission assigned."

I shook my head with the craziness he was talking about. "If you're such an expert, tell me how do I advance my mission." I huffed.

The smirk that was plastered on his face spread out into a full on grin. "Piece of cake." He turned and pointed at the group of teenagers. "Make your presences known to your peers. Show them, Sage Richards," he emphasized my name like a broadway star's, "is back in town."

I could feel the color draining from my face as I got up from the table. I was not going to let Officer Gomez, or whatever his real name was, get satisfaction of me failing my mission. 

I gave one last look at my smug handler's face, and walked over to Hudson.


#girlboss #watchmework #weeeeerrrrrkkkkkit #reunion 

Once again, thank you so much for all the support. It means a lot <3

The Cusp of a StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora