"Bunny you know what to say to stop it. It's five little words. Say it!" He tickles harder.

"P-p-p-please s-s-stooppp!!" I try saying as he tickles me.
"I c-can't b-breathe!"I say trying to make him stop. He finally stops and looks at me still holding me down on to the couch.

"Say it bunny it's five little words that you love to tell me say it" he says while I catch my breath getting ready for round two of tickles.

"NEVERRR!!!" I shout in his face then he continues his tickles from last time. I can't really breath now that's when I give up.

"Okay okay okay I'll- i'll say it" I say over my giggles.

"Yes bunny what is it?" He says stopping and looking at me.

"I love you my king" I whisper but like he didn't hear.

"I'm sorry what I didnt hear that" he says bring his ear closer to my mouth. I smirk as I think of my evil plan.

"I LOVE YOU MY KING!!" I shouted as loud as I could in his ear. He rushed back and covered his ear, I am free so I took this time to run. I run for my bedroom but I wasn't fast enough as I turned around to close my door he was already at my door stopping me with a smirk on his face and mischief dancing in his eyes. He walks forward closes the door and locks it, lifts me up carries my to my bed and throw me on it. Shocked by his actions, what has gotten into him I ask myself. He leans down to my ear and whispers "don't run away from me bunny" he sends butterfly kisses down my neck to my shoulder. I realise it's getting pretty heated so I try to push him but I couldn't bring myself to it. He sucked on my neck I'm pretty sure I have a mark there when he finished kissing me he leaned back with dark eyes.

"You're mine" he whispers  and before I can come out of dream world and respond he was gone. I sigh and look over at my clock on my bedside table and saw I was late for class.

"Shit!" I say as I get off my bed and rush to get ready.

Ten minutes later I was ready well almost still had to put on my boots, I'm brushing my teeth right now. I have on a black leggings with a white crop top and an grey over size cardigan that passes my bum, i put on my grey boots, grab my bag and dash for the door, I told everyone who is sitting in the living room watching tv bye and to clean the mess up. I get to class a few minutes late.


An hour later I was walking out of class when I bumped into a hard wall.

"OH I'm sorry" the hard wall says I look up and who I saw caught my breathe.

"OH my God Sam!" I said surprised to see him here.

"OH my, Alyssa Jones. How are you doing love?" he asks with a smirk on his face. Oh my sam, Sammy, the sam. Can't believe he's here. Sam is one of my closes friends from high school, my brother and jack always hated him saying he's bad news. I think they just don't want me around a boy. Oh my gosh I missed him so much. He got sexier I mean he was hot in highschool but now he is like woah. With his four inch blond hair, blue eyes any girl could get lost in, his full soft looking lips. He was wearing a blue ripped jeans with a red hoodie and a jeans jacket over the hoodie with a vans. Oh my my he is gorgeous, daymn girl chill he's your best friend why u gotta be so nasty I thought to myself.

"Im great what about you?" I ask.

"Im fine really. It's been an long time al" he says. I blush a little at the old nickname.  Only he called me al.

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