"Say what?" I look at him over the top of the beautiful car.

"I said it's yours. As a compromise for you getting around." He grins, yeah right 'compromise'!

"Oh, Zak! I love it but you shouldn't have, I can't accept this it's way too much!" I run my hand longingly over the rounded hood but I just couldn't justify accepting such an extravagant gift.

"You can and you will, please, for me?" He shoots me puppy dog eyes, shimmering a clear grey in the bright light, " I didn't choose it just because I know you like them, it also has the top of the range safety features, it would ease my mind to know this was the car that you were driving. Plus you'll need a car for when you move here for good so why not get one now? Just think how good Rufus will look riding in the back with the top down." He grins at me using all of his powers of persuasion and I just can't resist him.

"He would look adorable, wouldn't he? The red dog in the red car!" I muse, "Dammit Bagans! Ok! But no more you hear me? There's 6 months until my birthday, no more gifts at least until then, if at all!"
"Deal!" He smirks happy that he has got his way as usual, I crunch across the gravel and cup his face in my hands landing a big noisy kiss on his mouth.

"Thank you, I absolutely love it," I admit gratefully.

"Knew you would." And with a cocky wink he heads back inside, I shake my head at his ego as I follow behind.

I clear away our breakfast things while Zak collects together some paperwork he needs to take with him.

"So are you going to be ok to get to the museum by two so we can record your parts for the knife exhibit?" He checks with me before he sets off.

"Yep, I'll be there no problem."

"As long as you're sure, I don't mind sending someone to pick you up if you're worried about finding the place." While I appreciate his concern it also feels the teeniest bit stifling, I'm quite capable of looking after myself.

"Zak, as well as my excellent sense of direction I also have this thing called SatNav, have you heard of it? Wonderful gizmo it is, like a little person inside an electronic map who tells me exactly where I need to go."

'Alright little miss sarcasm, I was just making sure. Don't forget to lock up and set the alarm on your way out, I'll see you in a few hours." He stops himself just as he was about to disappear down the hallway and turns back to me kissing me gently before walking away once more. I hear the roar of the engine as he speeds his Dodge Charger out of the garage and down the driveway leaving me standing alone in the kitchen wondering what to do for the next few hours. I had to smile at how normal it felt, my man setting off to work while I cleaned down the kitchen after breakfast together. Who knew I would settle into domestic bliss with Zak Bagans of all people. Not that I ever intended to become the good little housewife, that shit would drive me crazy! Speaking of driving I as itching to get behind the wheel of my new car so decided to go for a drive into town and have a little explore at my own pace. After taking Gracie for a leisurely walk around the complex I locked up and set off.

I fell in love as soon as I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway, the engine purred and the ride was so smooth. Turning out of the complex onto the open road towards the city I lowered the soft top and cranked the tunes and hollered my way down the highway. My good mood couldn't be broken and even stopped at the traffic lights I find myself dancing behind the wheel and singing along at the top of my lungs with no shame. Sure I got some funny looks and I had to laugh as one guy joined in as he crossed the street in front of me, I was having great fun. I dropped the bug at the same valet parking we had used the night before and that's when I caught my reflection in the mirrored wall of the casino. Maybe having the top down wasn't the wisest idea, I tried to run my fingers through the knotted mess on top of my head, so a trip to the salon it is.

The information desk at the casino were very obliging and helped me find the kind of place I was looking for. Ten minutes later I was walking through the door of a place called 'Shut Up and Dye'. The small shop was decked out with antique barbershop chairs, the walls were covered in black damask wallpaper and there were shelves filled with oddities and retro pieces. Rock music blared loudly from the speakers and the staff who weren't with clients were congregated around a small bar in the back corner, there was definitely an ultra cool steampunk kind of vibe, I wasn't sure if I was cool enough to be there but I needn't have worried as I was soon made to feel welcome.

"Hey, darlin' can I help you?" One of the staff members walked towards me, she was dressed in a long black skirt, white blouse and black pinstripe underbust waistcoat. Her long teal coloured hair and dark lips were striking.

"Hi, I'm Tracy, I called up a few minutes ago."

"Yes, you did! Hi there, come in. I'm Drew, I'll be looking after you this morning can we get you a drink?" As tempting as it was to go for something a little stronger while I was getting pampered it was still a little too early so I opted for a chai tea.

"So what can I do for you today?" Drew asks as she settles me into one of the large chairs. I have a good few hours to spare before I have to be at the museum so I plan to go the whole hog, cut colour, facial and makeup. I was having to go in front of the camera this afternoon after all. I described to Drew what I wanted and she set to work. I usually hated the banal chatter that so many stylists were often champions of but Drew was hilarious, crude and easy to talk to and the time flew by. Soon it was time for my big reveal and she spun the chair so I faced the mirror. My mouth formed a large 'o' and as the person looking back at me did the same only then did I realise it was really me. Drew had convinced me to go for bold dark lips much like her own. She matched the colour perfectly with my now dark red/black hair which curled loosely over my shoulders. My eyes shone, enhanced by the dark eyeliner and mascara, the shade of grey she chose picking out the deep dove grey in my irises. I blinked a few times truly not recognising myself.

"So what do you think?" Drew asked with a knowing smile, happy with her handiwork

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"So what do you think?" Drew asked with a knowing smile, happy with her handiwork. I had been struck dumb.

"It's so freaking awesome! Drew you are a bloody genius! Thank you, I adore it!" I turn my head left and right admiring the different tones in my hair. I jumped up and surprising her and myself I gave her a hug."Please tell me you're free on Saturday? I need you!" She laughed and books me an appointment for early Saturday afternoon so I'll be ready for my debut that evening. I also wasn't leaving anywhere without that lipstick or eyeliner either, and she rung up my bill.

I swing my bag as I walked back to the car, my excellent mood still firmly in place. I had made good time with at least an hour to spare before I was needed to film but I figured I would rock up early, I hadn't actually been to the museum yet hopefully, Zak would be able to spare some time to give me a guided tour. After making sure I had raised the roof I drove downtown and parked up in front of building that I had become familiar with through Zak's snaps and the episode of Ghost Adventures that they had filmed here. I gulped as I stood before the entrance, the energy poured off of the place and I could see why Zak was so fond of it. I braced myself, pushed the door open and stepped blindly into the gloom.

Hexed (Sequel to Double Down Demons)Where stories live. Discover now