No Longer Human Part III «Dazai Osamu»

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"Drinking early in the morning, Dazai? I'm surprised you survived that hangover," I can't help but say when I see him once again lounging on his usual stool, a glass of his favorite alcohol next to him.

"Being cooped up in the apartment is sooo boring. I already tried to hang myself there and that obviously didn't work so I wondered if maybe overdosing myself with alcohol would."

"I thought you wanted a quick and painless suicide? You do know alcohol poisoning is a painful process of dying, Dazai."

"Now that you mention it..." Dazai trailed off in thought before turning to the bartender. "Sir, do you have any poisonous cocktails for sale?"

"We do not have any."

"Well that's a shame... How about- ack!" I stopped Dazai before he could utter anymore unusual things to the bartender. Although I'm sure he's already used to it, I just didn't want him to have to suffer through it all the time.

"Thank you for the drinks. If you'll excuse us." I smile before handing our bill and dragging a still sober Dazai out the Lupin Bar.

"But I haven't even finished my-,"

"It's enough, Dazai. If my brother saw you like this, I doubt he'd be happy," I sigh, the mention of Oda-nii enough to silence him.

I know it's a cruel move but it was almost always the only way to make him think rationally for once. He used to be such a great strategist, just as good as boss in all honesty. Ever since my brother had died, he had zero regards for his health (well he never did care but this was different) and all he ever does is wallow away in the bar like there's no tomorrow.

I'm sure he has enough money to keep him covered for a few more years but this is just painful to watch.

He was once called the Demonic Prodigy, the youngest executive in Port Mafia history. This wasn't the man I grew up knowing and neither was this the man Oda-nii would have wanted him to become.

All that's left of him now is a mere shadow of that glory.

"That's a terrible blow. Using your brother against me, have you no shame?"

At least his dark humors still remained. It was obvious he was trying to get under my skin just to spite me for not letting him get drunk.

"Between this and the drunk Dazai, I think I prefer you taking jabs at me like this. That way, it would still remind me that you haven't gone too far yet," I only say before unlocking my car and got in. Dazai joined afterwards just after I started the engine and we drove back to his apartment.

"It's been one year now. Another year more before you can start looking into the ADA for a job- Oi, Dazai are you even listening?!" I scowled when I saw him ignoring my long lecture, his face looking out the window with a look of utter disappointment.

He can be such a petty kid sometimes!

"I don't wanna hear this long lecture againnnnn. Let me enjoy my escapades for one more year!" I groaned at his complaint, a tick mark appearing on my head in irritation. It was a good thing I was driving. If we weren't then I might have choked him too hard to knock him out.

"Anyways," he started while gesturing to the things behind me, "Why do you have so many stuff? Don't tell me they kicked you out?"

"Oh you didn't know? I'm rooming in with you to make sure you don't do something stupid." I smiled and I could have sworn Dazai's eyes widened a fraction in shock before irritation returned to me when he started wailing.

"Nooooooo! This means I'll no longer have the chance to enjoy my favorite drinks at the bar anymore! Why must you be a demon to me? Is this punishment from Odasaku? Or is this the kind of vengeance you wanted to do rather than kill me?!"

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