Sheep Song Part II «Nakahara Chuuya»

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"Wait, that was your ex?!" I exclaimed in shock, Chuuya quickly shutting my mouth with his gloved hand, "Shut up! Are you planning to let the whole world know?!"

"Sorry but- woah! Just woah. No wait... Woah!" I kept repeating, several tick marks appearing on his head before he grabbed me by the collar to stop me.

"Stop pacing! Why do you look so surprised?"

"I mean you-" I pointed to him and then shook my head, "She's practically taller than you! How-where?!" I was too stunned to elaborate further but it was obvious that I got my point across when he glowered at me and I felt my body turn abruptly heavy which caused me to slam to ground painfully.

"Horah! You're totally asking for it, woman!"

"T-Tsubaki no Kusari!" I coughed. The field instantly started blooming of camellias, the petals rising with the air and I felt Chuuya's ability release me from its hold.

"Tsk," He merely clicked his tongue, knowing full well that with the activation of my ability, I was completely invincible... Or so some would say.

Tsubaki no Kusari (Camellia's Chain) was an ability that allowed me to freeze time. Using it on an ability-user in the midst of using their ability would also cancel their ability as if it was never used. The downside to such an ability though was that I could only focus it on one person, rendering me immobile as well as a certain equivalent exchange I had to give. For each minute I froze anything, an hour would also be taken from my lifespan.

That's why I use my ability when the need arises only- like in this case. Although I know that Chuuya won't kill me, the fact that he can still break my bones and leave me disabled was the issue.

Maybe I did go a bit overboard.

"Look, I'm sorry if you felt offended. It's really a lot to take in considering I never really knew any of this and the fact that you don't look like the type to be dating," I admitted to which he merely scoffed. "I have no obligations to tell you anything about my past and my status, woman."

Ah, I forgot about that. Even though we've been partners for two years now, it still isn't enough. Even though I try my hardest to lighten the mood up or get close, he would always find a way to keep our relationship this way- mere 'partners'. The Boss and Elise-chan tell me that I'm doing fine but is it really the case? It feels like he's only getting more hostile towards me everytime I take their advice.

"Oi, why are you sighing?"

"Because Chuuya is a big meanie! We've been together for two years and you still won't see me as your friend and yet you haven't seen your ex for probably god knows how long and you still remember her. I thought it was bros before hoes?!" I complained, earning me a stupefied expression from my so-called partner.

"Ha?! You're complaining about something as trivial as that? I haven't seen Yasuko in four years so of course I'll be surprised! And you're a woman so that code of yours has no binding effect to it," He retorted before realizing something, "Wait- why am I even defending myself! Stupid woman just leave me alone!"

"You even called her by her first name even when you haven't seen each other in four years yet we've been partners until now and you still call me by my last name..." I moped turning my back to him, my arms crossed and my cheeked puffed up.

"Honestly, am I even partnered with an adult or a kid?" I could hear him grumble to himself making me inwardly sigh in annoyance at him for not reading between the lines.

Is he that dense?

"I heard that! Now I'm in a bad mood so I've decided to just sell the Screaming Eagle I took seeing as there's no point in keeping it now."

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