Sheep Song -END- «Nakahara Chuuya»

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Disclaimer: Credit goes to Asagiri-sensei for the BSD manga and credit goes to the respective artists for the art used in this fanfiction. I own NOTHING except for the plot I made up.


I winced when Kouyou-nee tried to steady me into a sitting position. The white curtains of the hospital room danced to the wind's melody, the breeze making me sneeze.

"Mou, this is why I told you to let me close the windows," Kouyou-nee chided me which made me sigh at her contant hovering.

The bomber incident had been dealt with thanks to Kouyou-nee (who just arrived after she escorted Yasuko-san to a safe-zone) and Chuuya who managed to kill him along with his accomplice. I was rushed to the emergency room soon after, the doctor scolding us that had we been a few minutes late then I would have died from blood loss.

Yasuko-san was eternally grateful for us as well as Elise-chan who I heard enjoyed the play immensely. The Yokohama festival proceeded without a hitch after the stalker incident and had continued to do so for two days now.

"I want to hear the festive music, Kouyou-nee. By the time I'm discharged, the festival would already be over..." I pouted, knowing that it always worked with her.

"I would love to take you out but everyone in the mafia is swamped with keeping track of the going-ons of the festival..."

"It's alright, Kouyou-nee. I understand," I assure her to which all she could give me was an apologetic smile before taking her leave.

It was a good thing the hospital wasn't too far from where the festival was being held. From my window, I could make out the sound of trumpets and drums while my eyes could see the balloons soaring in the sky.

"I wanna gooooo!"

"Shut up! You're in a hospital for crying out loud," The familiar voice caused me to stop my mini-tantrum, my eyes widening at the sight of Chuuya sneaking in through the window.

I couldn't help but turn beet red at his sight, the memory of me spouting those embarrassing words at him still fresh in my mind. He never brought it up after I was settled in the hospital and each time I saw him when he came visit me only made it more nervous to be around him.

"You should be resting," I could only point out to which he merely scoffed as he settled himself on the seat Kouyou-nee recently vacated.

"I'm not the one who took a bullet to the stomach."

"Says the one who used 'Corruption' without telling me. I get that you wanted to help me but at the expense of possibly dying? Whatever happened to 'no dying under my watch', hm?"

"But I'm alive and so are you. Just be grateful for that."

"I am. But you told me so yourself that I'm not like Dazai-san. You got lucky that I was still conscious enough to use my gift. If I wasn't then you might have-,"

"Agh, stop saying his name infront of me! It's annoying," He snapped, cutting me off from my near-panic ramblings of possibly failing to stop him in time with my gift.

I remained silent when he stood from the seat to stand by my bed, his shadow hovering over my figure. His coat billowed with the wind as my eyes widened in surprise when he reached out his gloved hand at my direction.


"What are you doing?"

"Just shut up and take my hand."

"I'm not taking it unless you tell me what's going on."

At this Chuuya clicked his tongue and grabbed my hand nonetheless, my voice squeaking in surprise when he lifted me up. "Ch-Chuuya, what on-"

«The Language Of Flowers» (Bungou Stray Dogs) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang