She began to leave "I'm coming with you" Liam said running after her.

"Okay, your both coming right back. Immediately" Stiles yelled out as they ran out of the room. He sighed and turned to me "Kids"

I snickered a laugh. I pulled out my phone and checked it for messages. I slid it back into my pocket after there were no messages.

"You keep checking your phone every 5 minutes, waiting for Derek to call you?" Stiles asked as he kept looking at the computer screens.

"Yea, I haven't heard from him I figured he'd call me by now"

"I'm sure he's fine"

"Yea" I whispered "I'm just worried, he's got a few things going on"

For the next few minutes we were staring at the cameras. Suddenly all the cameras went out "Well this isn't good" I spoke up.

"Come on" Stiles whispered as he grabbed onto my hand and we walked out of the room. As we walked in the hallway the lights were still on. They flickered every now and then but we were still guided. We kept walking until we ran into Argent. He immediately pulled his gun on Stiles and I. I gripped my hand on Stiles arm as he held it up.

Argent put down his gun "The power's out in the whole building. We lost all the cameras" Stiles said.

"Stay with Scott" Argent said "Text me if you see or hear anything" He brought up his watch to reveal we had 18 minutes left. Argent turned his back and walked away.

"Come on" Stiles said as we walked into the morgue where Scott was.

"Time is running out" I began to pace around the morgue.

After awhile of being in the morgue Stiles called Argent. When he didn't answer he called again, this time he was pacing like me "Come on, come on. Answer the phone, answer the phone Argent. Come on Argent answer the phone" He said becoming irritated "Why are you not answering the phone?"

The lights were flickering. Suddenly Argent came flying through the doors. Stiles and I whipped around.

"I was right" Argent said as he began to slowly crawl towards us "Stiles, Cait get out of here"

We stood still. We looked up to see Kate walking through the door. Stiles grabbed onto me and pulled me behind him. Argent slowly stood up and stood beside us.

"Get out of the way, Stiles and Cait. I'm taking the body"

"Why? Visual confirmation?" Stiles asked.

"Don't worry handsome, I'm not the Benefactor" She said as she began to take a few steps forward.

"Then what do you want with the body?" Argent asked.

She was getting closer "I wish I could tell you" She viciously charged but Argent went at her. He pulled out a gun swiftly and held it up to her chin.

"I always forget you carry two" Kate said with a smile.

"Back off!" Argent yelled.

"You sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?" Kate argued.

"I don't want to"

"Your not gonna kill me" Kate said.

"I'm not going to let you take his body" Argent fought.

I tightened my grip on Stiles's arm. This standoff was making me so nervous. Stiles spoke up "Okay, well, obviously you guys have a lot to talk about so, maybe I saw some coffee, a vending machine outside" He waved his other arm up in the air.

"Listen to me Kate. We have a plan" Argent said ignoring us.

"If killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me"

"He's telling the truth" I spoke up "We're trying to get to the Benefactor"

"If you didn't notice you're on that list too" Argent added "And you're worth more than most"

"That's why I'm here"

"Then back off and let us do what we planned"

Kate stared at Argent. I saw he and her looking down at his watch "Take the Berserkers and go" He pleaded "Kate, please. We have a plan"

Kate glared at us before she turned and walked out. I exhaled as she walked out. I loosened my grip "We have to wake up Scott"


Scott suddenly let out a sharp loud gasp. Kira cradled him and greeted him with a kiss "What happened? Did it work?" He asked looking around.

Before anyone could answer Liam walked through the doors. He had a look at his face "What?" Kira asked.

"It's your mother.. she's hurt"

Kira looked at Scott before she ran out of the room.

Stiles and I were walking out of the hospital after everything. Stiles had his arm around me "We need sleep"

"Yea, I think I'm actually gonna go see Derek"

"Cait it's late"

"I know I just have to make sure he's okay"

"Okay, I'll see you soon" He leaned in and kissed my forehead.


I got to Derek's loft, even though it was dark I was hoping he was going to be awake. When I walked in to my surprise he was standing up against the table. When I walked closer I saw a bunch of guns laying on the table.

"Hey" I said as I walked up to him "What's going on?"

(I know this is around the scene where Derek and Braeden have slept with each other but no worries. All Braeden did was help him out but they did not kiss or sleep with each other)

"I lost it, my powers, they're completely gone" He said not looking at me.

"Is that why you have these guns, I thought you hated guns" I said as I stood next to him.

"I do. But since I don't have my powers I have to learn how to use these, and so far I have"

"How?" I asked.

He finally turned his head to me "Braeden has been teaching me"

"Braeden's been here? Has she been here all day?"

He turned to look at me again "What do you mean?" He asked confusedly.

"I haven't spoken to you all day, yet you've been hanging out with Braeden"

He took his hands off of the table and turned his body towards me "What's so wrong about that?" He asked.

"Well being the fact that I haven't heard from you all day and you've been hanging out with Braeden, why didn't you call me?"

"I'm sorry, I've just been a little busy" He said as he walked around the table.

"With Braeden?" I asked.

I'm pretty sure he snapped because his expression completely changed "Your jealous?" He questioned.

I scoffed "You think I'm jealous?"

"Sure sounds like it"

"You know what why don't you call me when you get your head out of your ass!" I turned around and began to storm out. I turned around back to face him "By the way, tell Braeden I said hi" I told him as I turned back around and stormed out.

Author's Note:

Uh oh.. another fight just erupted. Like I said before Derek and Braeden didn't do anything with each other. She was just teaching him how to use the gun like in the show.

Don't worry to all you Cait and Derek lovers they are safe from Braeden but are they safe? I was also thinking about the shipping name, barely I know lol. Do you guys have any ideas?

Thanks for reading my stories! ❤️

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