Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Start from the beginning

I was cold. Very cold...the blanket had fell onto the floor as I had sat up. My eyes flicked to my duel disk sitting on the coffee table along with my jacket and my t-shirt that were freshly washed and clean. I was wearing my spaghetti strap tank-top—that's why I was freezing.

A new pair of dark blue jeans were next to them as well. I looked at my pants which were shredded and stained with my blood from the Shifter ripping most of my Lifepoints away.

I patted the cat calmly as I turned to get my clothes on being able to get dressed while sitting on the couch. I had switched pants that fit perfectly.

I went to move for my duel disk and I fell onto the ground. I winced picking myself up of the floor. I could barely hold myself up as I pulled myself onto the couch.

If I couldn't even walk across a room...I wasn't going anywhere. I laid down on the couch in defeat. So much before getting out before anyone noticed me. The kitten curled up next to me with a small yawn and dozed off.

I woke the next morning. My eyes fluttered opened lightly as I stared up at the white ceiling.

"Are you feeling better?" a soft innocent voice said. In pain I sat up, my brown hair falling lightly several inches below my shoulder which ached in pain from smashing into the trash can. I heard soft patting in front of me. It was a small child who was gently petting the kitten. She had soft purple eyes and light pink hair that was a pixie cut. She stared at me curiously.

"You think after a while you'd get used to it." I whispered softly.

"Used to what?" She questioned as the cat hopped off the nightstand next to me.

The pain—but it seems to get worse and worse. It gets harder to not go insane with it. You get a large cut and you think you can handle this...but then you have a broken arm and it feels much worse. You thought you could barely handle one thing—but then you're thrown into an even bigger pile to clean up, I thought tiredly. "Hurting from all the fights," I replied, not going into detail.

"Do you need medicine?" I heard a boy ask, he had black hair and half-moon glasses.

"I don't think it would help much." I said, my electric blue eyes flashing unintentionally and catching his purple eyed gaze.

"Whoa," he said staring at them in amazement. He was maybe Mokuba's age--probably younger.

Thinking of Mokuba reminded me of the television last night. "Hey when did they say that they were having a tournament sponsored by Kaiba Corp and Yugi Moto?" I asked standing up and putting on my jacket; placing my duel disk across my wrist. My legs ached and burned, but after sleeping most of the night I knew I was lucky for healing abilities, which only seemed to not work at its fullest during a duel. I knew I was also lucky to at least be alive. I grabbed my shirt from the night before and tossed it in the garbage. It was still stained with my blood—I could still smell it from where I had fallen in my own blood. I'd just wear my black tank top underneath.

"They said it was this morning why? Are you a Duelist?" He asked in awe.

"Something like that—" I said and grabbed my cards and began flipping though them. Now that I had experienced my first shadow duel with someone involving the Vicinity Items; it made sense to duel with them if I had to. I sat back down on the couch flipping though the cards as the little girl plopped next to me.

"Who are you? The little girl asked curiously.

"Who are you?" I asked in return as I heard a door open. I ignored it. My head pounded too much to go and worry about anything.

"Oh, I'm Sean and this is my lil' sis Jane." He said with a smile. He turned around to see a girl about my age walk in with a plate of breakfast with eggs sausage and toast.

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