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You sighed. Sitting in your beautifully decorated room in the cabin. You smiled slightly as you found a small book from last year on the table. "Hmm-" you mumbled flipping through the pages before stopping and singing the song on the page wonderfully.

"Everything I know about you keeps me in a daze~"

"Everything you say makes me live a life that I've never known~"

You walk out of the room, smiling slightly.

"I heard you singing-" Jack looked over at you as he sipped his coffee.

You blushed. "Y-yeah...- I'm annoying when I sing..-"

"It wasn't annoying..- it was kinda beautiful.."

You smiled at him as you grabbed a random puzzle from an array of board games and other knick-knacks placed on the table. You took a seat as you watched jack lean against the table to see what you were doing.

You sorted some of the pieces. "I've always thought I was awful-" you chuckled as Jack looked at you with a trance in his eyes. After about a minute-

"Y-you don't sound terrible (Y/N)- you sound amazing"

Your face was a light red. You smiled softly as he helped you sort the puzzle pieces together. "I-I have a question..." you hid your face behind your hair slightly.

"Ask away~!" He gave you a wide smile as he sipped his coffee.

"Okay well- say there's this person-" 

You sighed.

"Say there's this person and you don't know if they like you the way you do, w-what should I do?"

He placed his coffee down and gently put his finger underneath your chin. He moved into you as he made eye-contact. 

"I would tell him how you feel...- before he fooks something up for himself"

Your ears were a bright pink. You were glued to his wonderous blue eyes..- like a trance. "Well- Then uhm-" you looked at him with a sigh.

His lips went close to yours, but he hesitated. "So..if I kiss you will you kiss back or will I feel left embarrassed?

You blushed even harder. "I-i' you leaned into the kiss

Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around your neck as he kissed back softly

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