In the beginning

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It is true, so they say, that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Well today [08/28/2017], my personal journey through nursing began. Today I take my first step geared towards my nursing career.

Let us begin:




Day 1: 08/28/2017

A Monday morning it is and I must say I am excited to attend my first lecture of the day which will be Health Assessment. For some reason, I feel afraid of the amount of work that is ahead of me. I feel anxious but a voice inside of me keeps telling me that I will be okay and that I will make it through this journey ahead of me just fine. That same voice keeps assuring me that I am in the right path and that I should block out all other voices making me doubt my capabilities. I know I must make a choice on which voice I will listen to. The choice seems easy to make but I want to take my time and decide carefully. I want to make this choice and mean it so that each time I wake up, I smile at its recall.

I choose to listen to the voice telling me that I can do it. That no matter what falls before, I will still hold my steadfast faith that I can make it.

I then leave my room and walk to my first nursing class of the day. I get lost along the way looking for the room that my class was assigned to. Afraid to ask other people- who seem familiar with the building- the location of my room, I wander around for three minutes not knowing where my class is. Luckily, I happen to hear murmurs and see fingers pointing to some certain direction.

"Are you going to room 2212?" one of them asked.

"Yeah, I think I know where the room is. Follow me." the other said.

I follow them as though I am the one being shown the way. A couple of minutes later, we get to the room and I get myself a seat next to the isle. "Room 2212," I say to myself, "where my journey starts. My first step in this journey."

The lecturer walks in and the lecture session begins. An hour into the lecture session, the lecturer gives us a break.

"One whole chapter in one hour!!!! How on earth am I expected to grasp everything at this fast pace!!!" I wonder to myself. Two minutes later, the lecture session goes on and before I know it, it is all over. Close to two chapters done, hold on, it is actually two chapters done!!

I leave the class, go to my room and start preparing for my next class which microbiology, starting at 2.00pm to 2.50pm.

I have to tell you about this class. It is pure Greek!! If you thought Anatomy was hell, then you are in for a ride. I go over a chapter barely understanding anything. I feel like giving up but I remember that choice that I made and keep going.

//Keep going even when you feel like all hope is lost.

If they made it, you too can!! Do not beat yourself down

And discourage yourself. Your lecturers were once where

You are right now. So, it is possible//

Hours pass by and I leave for the class. I have mixed feelings about this class. I feel like detesting it and hating the class before I even step in the lecture room but my heart decides to create a room for the class. My heart, for some bizarre reason, decides to love the class luring me into the idea that, "Positivity is better than negativity". I half-heartedly walk to the lecture room and meet the class almost full of students. I slowly walk to one empty seat I spot as I get into the room. Before long, the lecturer gets in and the lecture begins. Before I even realize it, the class is over!! I cannot possibly explain or rather express the kind of relief I felt. It was as though a heavy burden was taken away from me. The weight on my shoulders felt lighter.

I'll be honest with you, that class is not as bad as you think it is. It seems hard because of the new terms you learn in there but other than that, you should be quite fine.

//Focus on understanding the material first

rather than just memorizing. I figure understanding

makes the memorizing easier. If at all, put the definitions in

your own terms, be it your native language or whatever language you

love to use//

Day is over and as I reflect on what the day has had to offer me, I feel grateful and eager to face the next day as it comes. I want to make my nursing journey unique and holistic. I do not only want to be book-smart but also rich socially and spiritually.

At 10.30 pm, I go bed hoping to get up the next day early enough so I could prepare for my next classes; reading ahead of the professor that is.

Day 2: 08/29/2017

It is so cold this morning. The time now is 4.00 am. I am dressed up as though it is during the winter season. I do not know how I feel about this day but I trust I will make it through just okay. I am going to start studying ahead of the lecture so I can be in a pretty good position when class time is here. This is real people!!


Day 9 09/05/2017

I woke up at 3.30 am ready to take on the day as it comes. I have to say, waking up at that time did really startup my day pretty good. I expect to have a good day today and I feel so positive about it. I feel as though I can conquer it all. As though no matter what comes my way, I am ready to take it on any challenge that comes my way. I can do it today!! Yes, I can feel it!!

Even with this new profound feeling this morning, I lazily make it to my study table, take out my books and start studying.

It gets even more interesting as my laziness makes me extend my study time making me end up running late to shower, take breakfast and make my way to class.

You know, I used to hear the professor talk about "how the sympathetic nervous system works" and I did not take it seriously. If at all I never really understood it totally until today. Take it from me or not, believe it or not, how I "flew" from my room to class within a period of fifteen minutes, I cannot possibly explain. If at all, that is best comprehended by my body's sympathetic system.

Off to class I went. I had classes running from 8.00am through 9.50am, pathophysiology; from 10.00 am through 12.50 pm, health assessment lab and 1.00pm to 1.50pm, contemporary nursing.

Today's classes were not as bad as I thought they would be. For my patho class, my lecturer introduced new concepts like autoimmune diseases etc. I, for some reason, am tending to start loving the class.

Now I will not sit here write and lie to you that I did not feel drowsy at all during the lecture. I am going to be up close and personal. I am going to keep it one hundred and confess that I honestly felt drowsy during that class hour. I think the reason for this was the weather today. The sky was still dark and grey and this triggered my body to feel drowsy. 

Anyway, I won't sit here and blame the weather for my drowsy feeling. Instead, I am going to tell you that I took responsibility and did everything possible to ensure that I did not close my eyes for even a second.

Health Assessment lab and Contemporary nursing were not bad either.

Overall, I would rate my day as fantastic. I enjoyed every single minute of it and I am waiting to take on tomorrow as it dawns.

Day 17 09/13/2017

I had my first test today. The Health Assessment test and I must admit, I was so nervous. I think I was nervous because I did not know what questions would be there, what and how exactly to study for my test.

Anyway, I went in, sat for my test and guess what, I scored pretty well on that test considering that was my first time ever taking that class.

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