"It's funny because Baekhyun actually dyed his hair the other day as well...pink." I said.

"Wait so the selfie he posted on Instagram wasn't actually photoshopped or edited with one of those apps?" Chanyeol smiled a dimpled smile.

"Nope! I dyed it." I laughed.


The mall wasn't too busy which was nice, so Chanyeol and I wandered through different stores just examining things.

I started skipping around to the next store. "I need to find an outfit for tonight, willing to help me look?"

"Of course. Let's go in here." Chanyeol grabbed my arm, leading me into a store. "Can I try picking out some clothes for you?"

I nodded. "If you really want to."

I followed Chanyeol around, watching as he would examine something, put it down, pick it up again, but then find something else he seemed to like.

At least twenty minutes went by until he shoved me into a changing room, demanding I try on what he chose.

When I was changed I stepped out, and Chanyeol scanned my body, whistling lowly.

"Perfect." He said.

I became all shy and looked down at the clothes on my body. Chanyeol had picked out a light grey long sleeve that had a strings running up the front, black jeans with holes in the knees, and a leather jacket.

"We're kinda twinning." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Twinning is winning. Also kinda did it on purpose." He winked, burst out into a fit of chuckles, and then motioned for me to get changed so I could purchase the new clothes.

After I payed, Chanyeol wanted to go into the music store which had a really cool selection of guitars. While he was busy drooling over all the expensive electric ones,  I picked up a black acoustic guitar. I sat on the bench and started plucking at the strings, not really knowing what I was doing.

"Wait you never told me you played guitar?" Chanyeol said as he sat next to me.

I snorted. "That's because I don't. I'd love to learn though."

"Why don't I teach you?"

"Really?" I turned to look at him.

"Why not?" He said and then shifted his position so my back was almost touching his chest. Chanyeol reached over and placed his hands on mine, leading my fingers to where they should go.

"So this is a G chord fingering..." Chanyeol moved his fingers on mine, and then I strummed all of the strings with my left hand.

"This is an A chord."

"This is a C..." Chanyeol's voice started crawling to a whisper.

When he stopped talking I turned my head to look at him with the corner of my eye. He was breathing deeply, staring at me.


"Y/N I- I really like you-"

"I like you too Chanyeol." I said.

"-more than a friend." He was barely audible.

I felt my body heat up.

"But I know your relationship with Baekhyun is strong, and I would never want to jeopardize that- because I care for you too much, along with Baekhyun. I would never take away each of your happiness'. I just wanted to get it off my chest."

We stayed in the close position for a few moments until I put the guitar down, and then faced the now red haired boy. I pulled him into a deep hug.

The Geek and The Girl ➸ Baekhyun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now