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|Y/N Y/L/N|

I panicked and ran out of the building. The boys were running after me, but I was fast enough to get away. I motioned over to a taxi waiting on the curb.

"Can I pay you double for driving extra fast?"


|Byun Baekhyun|

"Great Job Byun Baekhyun. That was amazing." A man said, standing up and walking over to me, shaking my hand. "You've made it to the second round of auditions."

I smiled excitedly, shaking the mans hand a little to crazily. "Thank you, thank you." I bowed quickly before exiting the room to go tell Y/N and the others the exciting news. However when I arrived at the waiting room the boys looked frantic, phones in hand, pacing around, and Chanyeol was with Sehun outside looking around; but the first thing I noticed was Y/N's absence.

"What the heck is happening?" I said loudly and the boys looked over at me, however Kai was the only one who started to explain everything. "Where's Y/N?

"Y/N- she ran off and she could be in danger. Who knows what else Ying is planning to do-"

"Ying?" I felt the anger start to bubble inside of me.

"What did she do to Y/N!? Where did Y/N go!" I grabbed Kai's shoulders, shaking him frantically.

"Byun!" He grabbed my arms. "Listen to me. You gotta get to Y/N's as fast as you can."

"You don't even have to tell me twice." I  swerved out of his grip and ran outside.

"Chanyeol! Sehun! You guys go audition I got this." I told them while running past them.

"No Baek we're gonna help." Chanyeol said, trying to grab at me.

"You need to audition. Please I can handle it." I nodded, and then darted towards my car, unlocking it and starting the engine.

I've never drove so fast in my entire life, I'm not even going to be surprised if I receive a speeding ticket. My heart was racing and I could feel myself getting even angrier just thinking about the possibilities of what could have gone down.
What the hell is Ying up to now? What is her motive? She should've gotten the message that Y/N is done with her bs and was their friendship is now cut off.

I gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles started turning white. Ying better not have hurt my princess.

I reached her house, turning off my car and getting out as fast as I could. When I reached the door I turned the knob, but it was locked. I jiggled it multiple times, as if expecting it to magically open.

"Y/N!" I yelled, knocking on the door. I moved to the window, peering inside through the crack of the white curtain. The inside of the house was still, however unnoticed that there were items scatter all over the place- like someone trashed the place. I felt myself get antsy and I yelled her name again, knocking on the door again.

The Geek and The Girl ➸ Baekhyun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now