Leonie sucked on a lollipop, entranced with the movie and having no idea how hard I was getting while she lapped her tongue out over, swirling it, lips pouted around this damn candy.

Or so I thought she had no idea. She turned to me at one point, small smile and parted lips so that her tongue could dart out and with half hooded lids, she slowly licked it while looking straight at me. I couldn't watch her after that. I was gathering blood in one particular place and I did not want to leave the theatre with a bulging crotch.

After the movie, we slid into the car and Leonie was bursting with excitement, raving about what a badass Carol Danvers is and how she is the next generation hero of the MCU. I clearly wasn't as up to speed on all things Marvel as she was.

But I appreciated her enthusiasm.

It was only nine when we began pulling out of the theatre lot.

"Let's go to mine," she suggested. "I want to get out of these jeans."

My throat felt thick. "Sure."

I parked in her underground space and we took the elevator to her floor.

"Something to drink?" She offered as we passed the kitchen. I declined and continued to her room behind her. A slither of her back could be seen from her cropped shirt and I swallowed. Hard.

Her room was worse than it was last time. But I didn't complain. It was her space. And I figured that she must have created havoc when I asked her to help Sarah with the date. Yep. That was the reason that her room looked like a tornado had blown through it.

She disappeared into her closet as I fell onto the bed backwards and a moment later, she returned in a pair of cotton shorts that accentuated her shapely legs. Torture. She wandered over to her desk and sat down on the chair as she read a message on her phone.

Blowing out a breath, she swapped the phone for a paper and held it up, her expression illuminating as if she'd had a lightbulb moment. "You must have been good at biology, right?"

I sat forward, elbows on knees and laughed. "Yeah I wasn't bad. Why's that?"

"I have a dissection paper," she gnawed on her lip. "It was due yesterday but I didn't hand it in because it wasn't done. And then I told the teacher that I needed an extension because my cousin died after ingesting too much helium and my aunt was crashing at our house and disrupting homework with all of her sobbing."

"And your teacher believed that?"

"I'm super persuasive when I wanna be."

I ran a hand through my hair and laughed, standing up so that I could help her. She turned in her chair and put the paper on the desk. So I leaned one hand on the desk, one on the back of her chair and bent over her to read what the assignment was.

I laughed, fanning her hair and her body stilled.

"Leonie, this is so basic."

"Excuse me," she said, her voice was a little tight. "We're not all meant for the Doctor life. I have no reason to understand this."

"The reason is that you have to complete it for school to get the grades."

"I don't appreciate your logical arguments."

I rolled my eyes with amusement and inhaled. She smelled so good. All of the time. Fresh and sweet. Like the mist from a waterfall and fruit. I couldn't help it and leaned in a little closer. My lips were almost on her skin.

"Alright," I said. "Did you take notes during the dissection?"


I bit down on a grin, glad that she couldn't see me. "Then how would you possibly be able to fill this out if you didn't write down the process of harvesting the organs?"

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