8| Mon Canard!

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"Salut." Elm's voice said as his face popped up on the phone. "Salut!" Aspen said and smiled. "Why're you calling?" Aspen asked and looked into the camera. "Oh, erm, you know, just wanted to talk to you." Elm said and looked around. "Elm?" Aspen asked. 'Why is he acting so weird?' "Yeah?" Elm asked and smiled. "Did you want something?" Aspen asked, laughing at how stupid her brother was. "I just wanted to say-" Elm said and hung up. Aspen looked at her phone and noticed he hung up. "What the heck?" Aspen said and laughed. "I'm home!" Aspen heard Elm yelled while running up the stairs. "Elm?!" Aspen yelled, tears forming in her eyes. Elm ran to her and hugged her. "Oh my god!" Aspen said, now sobbing into his chest. "Je vous ai manqué Jaune!" Elm said and kissed her forehead. "Je t'ai manqué trop, mon canard!" Aspen yelled, her voice muffles by her brothers t-shirt. Cooper unlocked the door, her dirty clothes in her hands. "Oh, Cooper, this is my brother Elm, Elm this is Cooper." Aspen said and smiled. "Bonjour." Elm said and smiled while holding out his hand. "Hello." Cooper said and shook his hand. "I'll leave you too alone for a bit, I'm going to talk to papa." Elm said and winked to Aspen before walking down the stairs.


Salut- hi/hello
Je vous ai manqué Jaune! - I missed you Jaune!
Je t'ai manqué trop, mon canard! - I missed you too, my duck!

AspenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang