29| Coffee

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Aspen walked in the cafe doors. «Good morning Aspen.» Billie said and smiled. «Morning.» Aspen answered and placed her bag at the backroom. "Here." Billie said and handed her a cup with cappuccino. "Ah, thank you." Aspen said and took a sip of the new-brewed coffee. "Who's that?" Aspen asked and looked at the small framed boy that was mopping the floor. "His name is Parker, he started here yesterday." Billie said and blushed. "Billie?" Aspen asked and smirked at her. Billie smiled as she continued making a frappe. "Do you like him?" Aspen whisper-yelled to her. "Sh! And yes, kinda." Billie said and blushed more. "Billie!" Aspen whisper yelled agains and jumped up and down while shaking her hands in excitement, making Parker turn around and look at them. Aspen stopped and grabbed a cup. "Parker, do you want to make one?" Aspen asked and smiled. "Okay." Parker said and smiled shyly. "Here, Billie will help you." Aspen said and smiled while winking to Billie.

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