12| Eleven thirty

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"Cooper?" Aspen asked, they were still laying in bed. "Yes?" Cooper asked. "Do tou want to go home and get some clothes and stuff?" aspen asked, her tone careful. "O-okay, I need to pick up some more stuff there too." Cooper said and sat up. "It's sunday today isn't it?" Aspen asked and looked at her. She didn't understand it till Aspen smiled. "Yes, and its-" Cooper said and looked at the clock. "Eleven, so we have about an hour till they come home." Cooper said and stood up. "Okay, let's go." Aspen said and pulled up her jeans. They walked to the car and drove to Cooper's house.

They got out of the car and Cooper tried opening the door but it was locked. "There's a key in the plastic stone in the flowerpot at the side of the garrage door." Cooper said and pointed. "Okay." Aspen said and walked there. She found the stone and looked underneath, and there was indeed a key inside. She took the key and gave it to Cooper. "We'll have to be quick, church usually last for about one hour but sometimes they're quicker." Cooper said and opened the door. She looked inside to see if anyone was home but they weren't. "Follow me, you can sit on the bed while I find my stuff." Cooper said and walked down the hall.

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