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@queen.camilla: late to school, per usual

liked by @ellevillevilde @oda_larsen @jonas9000 @stas_a_vaere_chris and 409 others • 29 comments

@loglady99: where are ur pants young lady?

@chrisschistad: i took them @loglady99 

@lauraaa1510: oH ^

@miaheslo: oh my ^

@queen.camilla: ignore him he's dumb, i have shorts on  ^^

@magnussonwilliam: i see u @chrisschistad

@themantheo: bet u still look gud

@eliasfraoslo: ^

@tarababy: my baby! i hope u had the best birthday ever. love u always xoxo

@queen.camilla: i should get your package today, i love you more and it was crazy but amazing. fill you in later @tarababy

@augustaopsahl: okay but the bigger question is who's phone is in your lap

@chrisschistad: mine, she's a thief @augustaopsahl

@tuvaholen: when a guy trust you with his phone>>>>>

@celina_lunds: GOALS ^

@kadenveland: i need to talk to u :/

@queen.camilla: what's up? text me @kadenveland

@evamohn2: i'm looking for an engagement ring amongst these rings

@laila.holme: ^

@queen.camilla: STOP! @evamohn2

@chrischistad: soon @evamohn2

@queen.camilla: wtf nO byE ! 

@kadenveland: no...like in person,camilla

@queen.camilla: ok, i'll b home after school. 

@isakyaki: camilla: im a changed person /// also camilla: *post picture with no pants on*

@therealsanabakkoush: HAHAHAHAHA ^

@jonas9000: best joke ever

@queen.camilla: i hate u all 

@loglady99: wya? you're going to miss second

@queen.camilla: for fucks sake, calm down. i'm a block away

[ lowercase and text talk intended ]

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