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@queen.camilla : its fucking cold in oslo oh my god, someone end this misery pls
165 likes - 17 comments
@loglady99: Photo creds!
@isakyaki: You're actually using instagram, no way @loglady99
@evamohn: What drink is that and where did you get it?
@stas_a_vaere_chris: You look so pretty, girl!
@eliasfraoslo: ^
@therealsanabakkoush: Elias... @eliasfraoslo
@queen.camilla: it's a honey drink from some tea place near the train station, went there with noora @evamohn / thank you guys @stas_a_vaere_chris @eliasfraoslo
@ellevillevillde: You're so doing my makeup!
@jonas9000: This makes me want to get one of those bull piercings
@queen.camilla: aw, i said i would do it V @ellevillevillde / wtf bro they're called septum piercings @jonas9000
@mariebolme: Meet up soon girl 🤧
@lauraaa1510: You look beautiful😍😍
@chrisschistad: No she looks fucking sexy as shit ^
@ellevillevillde: Wtf.....^
@evamohn: Uhhh^
@therealsanabakkoush: oOh my god, C!
@queen.camilla: im blocking you all !

change → chris schistad (skam)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora