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//dazed and distracted//

[Wednesday 21:43]

'Why do we dream?"

'Why we dream is still one of the behavioral sciences' greatest unanswered questions. Researchers have offered many theories- consolidation, emotional regulation, threat simulation-but a unified one remains, well, a pipe dream. Nevertheless, people continue mining their nighttime reveries for clues to their inner lives, for creative insight, and even for premonitions.'


I slide my macbook off my lap onto the bed and pick up my phone. I let out a sigh as the cool sleek metal touches against my fingertips that were hot from the overheating macbook.

The screen lights up as I press the home button, a flood of instagram notifications cover the wallpaper of my phone. I read over some of them, a confused look overtaking my face.

I smile to myself as I read some nice comments about the photo Noora had taken earlier at the tea shop. I reply and shake my head getting back to the paper that is due tomorrow. I lightly toss my phone back on the bed and pick up my computer.

'Dr. Freud said that whether we intend it or not, we're all poets. That's because on most nights, we dream. And dreams are lot like poetr-"


I groan at the iphone's standard notification sound. Unable to pull myself away from my phone, I reach for it.

*ping* *ping* *ping*

I open my instagram, drumming my fingers on my laptop's trackpad whilst waiting for the photo to load.

"@chrisschistad: No she looks fucking sexy as shit ^"

I blink repeatedly staring at the illuminated screen before me.

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself, clicking on the user's profile.

I go through multiple pictures, recognizing the boy from yesterday's altercation.

The comments of his pictures are flooded with female's comments, some saying they "had a nice time last night."

I lock my phone and throw it to the side once more, deciding that it'll be best to reply in the morning and not give it attention.

'I need to finish this paper' I say to myself picking up my computer for the third time this evening.

[Thursday 7:37]

"Camillaaaa" Eva smiles at me as I approach the group of girls standing by the entrance to school.

"Halla" I smile back at them reaching out to hug all five of them.

"Did you see what Penetrator Chris commented on your instagram post?" Vilde asks me popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

"Yes, I did." I laugh at her interest in his comment and reach my hand out for a piece of gum, "Can I have one?"

"Yeah..." Eva trails off, "What was that all about? Are you two a thing?"

I snort peeling back the white wrapper off the gum, popping it into my mouth.

"I've never spoke to this 'Penetrator Chris' in my life" I answered putting clear emphasis on his name.

"He obviously likes you, which is good because we need to get in with more 3rd years." Sana says nudging me in the shoulder.

"Chris likes anything he can put his dick inside!" Noora exclaims shaking her head at Sana, "Don't listen to them, Chris isn't good enough for you."

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