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@queen.camilla: my bus's pre-drinks >>>>

liked by @augustaopsahl @ellevillevilde @lauraaaa1510 @chrisschistad and 332 others - 16 comments

@evamohn2: PHOTO CREDITS

@isakyaki: Stunning

@eliasfraoslo: We need to meet!

@alexander.aakre: My babygirl!

@miaheslo: I like your shirt, it fits you

@lovely.iben: See you at the party later?

@queen.camilla: of course x @lovely.iben

@loglady99: Gorgeous Girl!

@oda_larsen: Goals!

@tarababy: Oslo made you 100 times hotter!

@stas_a_vaere_chris: ^

@celina_lunds: I'm speechless

@kadenveland: My mom keeps asking about you.

@queen.camilla: lmao, tell her I'm okay and that I'm sorry for being a bitch on Christmas @kadenveland

@kadenveland: Will do, hope you and your boyfriend worked it out!

@queen.camilla: which one? joking, see you in June x @kadenveland

[lowercase intended wherever it is]

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