IX. Intruder in the House

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The conversation with William was about White Field Mafia ruling over Saints Field. They have decided to create violence just as same as there. Margery was right, Eric thought, they should've moved far away from here. But as an officer he has to solve the crimes he started investigating. The Zed killer must be found sooner. If he watches Smith for a while, he could get some ideas where to start. They have already looked into the files. The call which threatened to kidnap three young girls were similar to his deeds in the records.

Eric and Hassan began to look deeper in to the details. The 'Z' doesn't indicate anything. It was just a distraction. They discussed about William and died George. Suddenly a call from Farra for Hassan. She was gasping. He got worried. Eric could see that from his face. Hassan got up all of a sudden and hurried outside. Eric ran behind him. 'What's going on man?' he asked when caught up on him.

'William just broke into my house. She shot him. She thinks he's dead' he swooped into his car.

'I'll come with you. He might not be alone'

Farra was holding Ridha in her arms and sitting on the sofa. The showcase and flower vases shattered on the floor. Blood was all over the carpets. A blood painted arm on the wall and William on the floor on his own blood. Farra's forehead was hit badly on the glass door in the front. He must've barged his way pushing the door hard on her. Her hands were torn with the vase fragments. She somehow had managed to find the pistol from the living room drawer. No body knew the purpose of his visit. Soon as Hassan saw his wife grounded with the violent break in, he hastened to her consoling everything is okay. Eric looked at the body. Checked his pulse, he got one. He suddenly took out his phone to call the ambulance. Farra stopped him. 'let him die slowly' she cried. Ridha was shocked in her mother's shelter. She hugged her father and cried. 'Did he tell you something?' Eric inquired. 'He was holding a knife, he said nothing. He just wanted us killed, but why?' she kept weeping in her husbands shoulders. They looked at the body for a while. After the fearsome atmosphere was cleared, Eric called for an ambulance. Eric checked William's phone. He was shocked to find out a call he had received from Smith an hour ago. He kept the news to himself. He scrolled down for the fake George and Nuhman's murderer. They could be two people or just one.

The body was taken to the morgue. It was cleared in the files that it was a murder attempt and a break in. It fell into different categories with Hassan's interference. The body was later visited by Rick Jones and he collected the rest of William. The people of Saint's field were a little relieved by the death of a drug dealer. Imam Rizwan and his group celebrated this occasion. They had faced several threats from drug lords of White Field and here also. Just because Muslims were banned to use alcoholic products or prohibited drugs in their religion. The Imam used to advice the people to avoid such practices.

Eric noticed nothing from Smith's face. He was calm and normal. He wanted to know why and what they talked about. He later told Hassan, when he began trying to forget the incident, about the call. Hassan grew furious but Eric consoled him to be patient about it. They must watch Smith. John and Phil agreed to that. Phil had already noticed some abnormal activities and visits to White Field. Smith was on to something grave to the society.

The very next day, Eric chased Smith in a casual dress. He stopped at a weapons warehouse. Smith took out his badge to the guards. They opened the gates and he went in. Just two minutes later, Eric did the same and went in. He parked two vehicles away from Smith. Eric got out and pretended to call. He watched Smith meeting a man with built-up body. He was a 7 foot high bald Dwayne Johnson, with tattoos on his shoulders. Eric captured the moment in his cell phone. He wanted to listen to what they were talking about. They shook hands and Smith handed an envelope to him. Eric was crouching down behind his car. He stared carefully at the man's face. couldn't recognize him anywhere. When they dispersed from the small talk and an exchange, the man walked back to the building. Eric was struck by the look from his behind. The same man on the tape. It was not a brilliant idea to deal him at the moment. Patience. The time will come. Or he should set the exact time.

Catherine had went with Ben to Hassan's to console Farra from the shock. Hassan had taken the responsibility for shooting William. As he was an officer, and for it was a murder attempt against an officer, he had to shoot him down. Ben played with Ridha even though he had no closer touch with her. They didn't go out until Eric came back.

'Hassan, I need to talk to you for a second. Call John and Phil too' Eric called him while he drove back to pick up Catherine.

'it was all a distraction, the mask, the letter and the threatening calls' Eric said. All four of them discussed the matter over a beer. Eric told them about the meeting he saw that morning. 'He was trying to murder my family?' Hassan asked emotionally. 'We have no idea about it yet, but must track that mother fucker and beat him black and blue before we ask all these questions' Eric said. John took and sip and kept the beer down on the grass. 'If he's working in a weapons warehouse, he can't some random killer. He could be with the SWATS. They are fine killers' he said.

'Phil, what about you?' Hassan asked

'I think, we must be more alert than before, coz William's dead trying to attack Hassan's family. So, Smith could've given another try to do so with that SOB. The matter is that. We can't be hanging around together inspecting his moves. he'll surely notice us. The best way to do is to split, find the fucker, surround him and beat the shit out of him'

'bare knuckled' said John

'bare knuckled' they said.

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