V. Thou has Sinned

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The tattoos found on Luke's shoulders weren't relevant related to what John found out. A dragon with red eyes spitting blue fire and a cross under it. John brought Eric to his desk to tell him about the phone number. Smith suddenly interrupted them 'You both might wanna go check out the truck at the docks' he said.

'Sorry sir, what truck?' Eric asked.

'The damn truck on the tape ass-hole. Nuhman's murder. The damn truck with the damn yellow stripe' Smith shouted.

'Yes sir' they both wore their caps and hurried to their car.

'Hey, Eric. I told you there's something serious I wanted to tell you' John said while braking down at the traffic signal.

'Yeah, what is it?'

'It's more complicated than we thought. It's uh...' He couldn't say the name and was afraid of Eric's reaction.

'Who is it?' Eric grew curious 'say it. Is it some one that I know?'

'It is, yeah. But, and also it's your closest relative'

'What?' his face turned red and he frowned. 'Are you serious? This isn't something to play with. Say it, who ever the fuck is he, I'll hunt him down. But I don't think there's anyone in my family with that kind of atmosphere'

'It's not a he, it's a she. And I'm not playing with you. It is damn serious. And more complicated than I ever thought it would be' They were reaching the docks and John said 'I'll tell you when we return, it shouldn't bother you now'

'Alright, then don't tell me now. But who could be that bitch?' He checked the ammo and loaded back in his pistol. 'Park over here, we should be careful'

This is usually the place were convicts used for escaping. The security system was broken a long time ago. They had to park outside the gate and go through the broken fence. The black truck was parked in the garage of a small house. There were lots of plants behind the house; the moisture and fertilizers' smell was intense. John sneaked through the dusty window and found no one. So they broke in and searched for any lead. Eric walked towards the truck with the gun gripped in both hands. 'Oh, Shit' John shouted from inside. Eric was stunned and lowered his head near the truck. 'Eric, I think we found Z's identity, come over here' Eric slowly sneaked inside the truck and saw a black briefcase. He took it and went inside to John.

'George Wilder Bennett, 35, South of White Field. He has a wounded mark on his left cheek' 'Let me see' Eric looked at the man and sighed. 'Never seen this piece of shit anywhere. This could be a fake one. Come on, we gotta go' 'What's that?' John saw the briefcase. 'It was inside the truck, there must be something for us'

'Let's go then'

'It's your mom, Eric' John said while they headed back to the office.

'What? What happened to her?' Eric forgot about the subject they were talking about.

'When I checked the number Luke Rampart dialled, Margery's ID came up' Eric was shocked to hear it. His eyes wide opened and he began to act weird. 'I'm so sorry. There must be some explanation for that'

'No... It... It can't be. You must have entered the.. the number wr... wrong' Eric stuttered. His face was filled with fear and discomfort.

'Look, there's nothing to worry about. If you're not comfortable with that, I'll handle that. Calm down. I'll change the files and delete the history. That's why I didn't tell anyone at the office but you' John consoled him.

'Alright, I'll call her to see if there's something strange with her behaviour'

'No, don't. It's not a good idea. Let it be. If she visits you the next time, don't act like this, OK? Change your thoughts now' John parked the car at a restaurant. 'Come, let's eat something' They got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

Catherine took Ben to Andrea for a medical check up. He was completely healthy and he thanked Andrea in his sweet childish voice. They walked out of the clinic and headed home. While they were nearer, a fire truck drove passed them. As she leaned on the steering wheel, she saw ashes flying all around their block. She accelerated quickly towards their home. Their house was all burned down. The neighbours surrounded the place and were talking in astonishment. Cops and firemen were collecting valuable things and noticing the source of the fire. Eric was staring the remaining burnt wall and roof. The ceiling had fallen off and turned into ashes. Catherine held Ben's hand and rushed towards Eric. She was frightened. Ben was nervous seeing all the crowds.

'What happened here?' Catherine started to weep.

'The neighbour's called there is a fire and I hurried here. It was all burning and these firemen arrived here before me. They're looking for an explanation' Eric was sweating due to the heat he faced. He took Ben to the next neighbour 'Go play with Jenny now, I'll come back soon' Eric patted his shoulders. 'Where will I sleep today? Our house is burned!' he was curious. 'We'll stay at your grandma's house, OK? Now go, play'

Catherine came with a sealed letter the firemen found from the bushes. 'Honey, there was this letter in the middle of the bushes. One of the men gave it to me' Eric tore open the letter and read

'Beware the devil, for thou has sinned '


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