VI. All those Traps

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Margery rushed hearing the news. They moved temporarily into a motel room. Eric was surprised to see her visiting them after he found out the suspect for the drug lord hunt. He didn't look her in the eyes the whole time. She sat across the table and touched lightly on his hand. He slowly raised his eyes over her aged skinny hands. The engagement ring his father surprised her with was missing. The ring has left a light mark off the long twenty five years of marriage.

'Is it the man who killed the boy in the neighbourhood?' She asked, her voice softened.

'I don't know yet'

'Can I tell you something son? If you don't mind me asking'

'go on'

'you should move somewhere else away from here. It won't be safe for Cat and Ben with all this hooligan investigations'

'why do you say that? I'm a cop. I'm here to stop them from making chaos. Isn't it strange than someone living in a bloodshed city suggesting others to stay away from criminals? Look, you are living in White Field, and all I could see and hear is that people die daily because someone sat on the wrong table. What happened to you?'

'I'm just saying for your family's safety. Don't get upset about it'

'I've had this burning in my head for a while but I have to spit it out for real. Honestly, why are you still staying there? Do you live with them or between them?'

'what do you mean by that?' her face turned.

'I'm not suppose to discuss classified informations, but seriously, I found out a number from a drug dealer connecting to Margery Mathews. what's going on, seriously?' Eric looked deeply into her eyes like a lie detector. Her forehead dripped sweat. She looked away from him and took a deep breath.

'who did you get it from? what's her name?'

Eric looked surprised 'what? it's not a she. it's a he. what's with all these connections?'

'let's not make a big deal out of it. What is that man's name? Tell me'

'Luke Rampart, he was selling drugs to this girl in the street. He shot at the cops, but missed it'

'Hmm' she fell silent for a moment thinking. 'He a white male with a dragon on his shoulder?'

'Yeah, exactly? How do you know him? Why did he call you?'

'Look, it's not what it looks like. I first saw this man wounded knocking on my door. He told me he got shot by a burglar and he wanted immediate assistance. I let him in and took the bullet out of him. It was no big deal. He said he could still recognize the man so he felt like he was in danger. So, I told him to file a complaint to the cops. He hated cops. They once forced him down breaking his jaw. I gave my number and calmed him down. I told about you and whenever he gets in trouble, he called me. He used to bring me groceries and stuff so I didn't have to buy them my own. Then one day he disappeared. I thought he might have got killed or found a new life. And you're saying that he tried to call me when you people surrounded him like SWATS' She stared at him for a while.

'How could've you saved him from that?'

'I wouldn't have to help him this time though, he left me with saying farewell'

'This is going to make my files a bit more complicated. You will be questioned for his connection. You can't ever say this story in front of Smith. He won't believe shit. What am I gonna do?' He stood up and went for a beer. It was empty. He slammed the fridge door hard. And then walked back and forth of her scratching his head. She looked at him suspiciously. 'You're not gonna put me in jail, son?'

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