He nodded slowly. "What has she said?"

I do not know why this is important to him.. "She has spoke of home. Her kingdom...wanting to see it before she passes. She thinks she will die." I could not say the last part so loud. It made my chest clench. She was not getting any better. Just worse...

His jaw flexed, as he paced the room. "When she awakens tell me."

I nodded my head slowly, wanting to ask another question. "Sirus....can you please release Rowan? He loves you...he does. He was only trying to do what is right."


"He has vouched for you with Esmerelda many times. I have never tried to help you in any way only Esmerelda and he has tried for you! What have you ever done for him?! Please tell me King Sirus," I pleaded, an edge of anger to my voice. Rowan loved him, and I thought Sirus also loved Rowan.

He had already killed many of the guards who had captured him that night. He had punished them. He had punished Rowan. King Sirus sighed, yanking at something on his belt. He threw the item at me. "Let this be known to my brother, if he comes near Esmerelda or I, I will end both of your lives."

I was innocent, but I understood what he meant. He would not leave me to wallow in this world without Rowan, he would allow me to join him in death. It was...kind, but I did not wish to end my life so quickly. I jerkily nodded my head before grabbing the keys, and bowing to him. I wondered if I should leave Esmerelda alone. Thorian alone with him. "If you hesitate to long I will take the keys back."

Rushing out of the bed chamber, I made my way down into the dungeons. The amount of guards that were guarding the dungeon were scarce. Considering the King made an example out of them...by killing them, Rowan if he still had his position would have to find more willing males....

I passed Fiona's cell. She was sitting, legs folded over one another, smiling. "Come to free me?" She questioned, her voice scratchy. Her eyes were a bloodied red. Patches of fur were all over her arms.

"Never," I spat as she just blinked a few times.

"Did she die? Please tell me she died. If she does maybe Sirus will see she is nothing but a spoiled wench. Is her child alive? Maybe it died. My poor brother. Let me go, Chelsea. I will check on him."

This woman was insane. "They are both much very alive and you will rot in here forever," I told her before I realized that arguing with a mad woman was not on the agenda. Saving my mate was.

I made my way down the row of cells, pausing at where Rowan was. "Rowan...I have the key," I told him. He was lying down on his cot. Hands tucked behind head. "Rowan!" I worried.

His entire being was bloodied. His eyes were swollen...his clothes were covered in blood. I watched as his eyes slowly opened. "Chelsea?" He sat up, clutching his side, confusion in his eyes. "Did you steal that key? Sirus will kill you give it back," he sighed.

"No! He gave it to me," I told him as I began to tamper with the old lock. I finally managed to open the door and ran to him, hugging him tightly. He groaned. "You idiot," I sighed, as he hugged me back. "If he ever has another child you will not be responsible for locking him up," I told him as he chuckled, hugging me even tighter.

"Is Sirus sick? I thought I had at least three more months in here....This is not the first time he has thrown me in the dungeons...vice versa, I have had him thrown into the cellar a few times also," he explained to me as I got up and helped him up. He groaned, "the guards have done a number on me...per Sirus's request."

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