Chapter 2.

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As the two trail worn riders passed the sign, declaring they had come to Spring Valley, they approached this new place cautiosly from the west.

They rode quietly through town, taking in the people, the stores, the sheriff's name hanging above the door to the jail.

Both Heyes and Curry relaxed when seeing the name sheriff Hal Murray.

Heyes turned his head towards his partner Kid Curry.

"We don't know any sheriff Hal Murray do we?" he said in a low voice.

"No, I don't believe we do!" Kid replied .

They pulled up to the water trough at the end of town, dismounted and tied their horses to the rail.

Kid and Heyes scanned the empty street, the only noise appeared to be coming from the only saloon that was located in the middle of the town.

Just across the street from the saloon, were the hotel.

Heyes grabbed his saddlebag and headed for the hotel with Kid in tow.

They entered the hotel and stepped to the front desk. Kid rang the bell.

The pair scanned the lobby as they waited for the desk clerk. No one was to be seen.

Kid rang the bell once more, looking at Heyes with eager eyes.

"Hold your britches, I'm coming." the desk clerk called out as he emerged from the back room.

Heyes smiled at him and said," I'm sorry sir, but we have been riding quiet a long time. My partner and I are just anxious to lie down on a bed , and maybe get ourselfs a bath?"

The clerk looked at them both from head to toe and snorted, " Have you got any money?"

Kid shot him a mean look.

"What's that suppose to mean? Of course we do!"

"Okay" the man huffed,"What can I get for you?"

"A room" Heyes responded.

"Yeah, I think we got them." the clerk said as he checked through the ledger.

"AND a bath" Heyes added calmly.

The clerk looked at him then snorted once again, then he pointed at the ledger.

"Sign here, I'll get your key."

Heyes took once again a quick glance of the downstairs of the hotel, then reaching for the key from the clerks hand.

"Is the liverystable close by?" he asked and threw his saddlebag over his shoulder.

"Down this mainstreet and on the right, ask for Albert, he will tend to your horses for tonite."

"Thank you!" Heyes said and tipped his hat to the clerk.

They headed up the stairs to the second floor of the hotel and found their room.

Entering, Heyes threw his saddlebag on the bed and turned his head to Kid.

"I'll take the horses to the stable, you can soak first." he said with a tired tone.

Kid did not argue on that, he was pleased that Heyes offered to see to the horses. In fact he was darned tired. A nice hot bath sounded really appealing to him.

Heyes left for the livery stable and just five minutes after that there was a knock on the door. Kid drew his gun and walked up to the door.

"Who is it?"

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