Chapter 14 (the end)

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Gazing upwards in the sky, seeing the color change from light blue to a darker blueish color, almost purple, Heyes pulled up his pocketwatch and snapped it open. He wrinkled his forehead and then snapped it shut, putting it back in his vestpocket.

"It's time " he stood up, putting his hands to his hips, " You have to ride now, if you're gonna get in to town before sundown " he held out his hand and helped her to her feet. Dusting some straws of grass from her pants, Chyenne gave him a wry, sad smile.

"They sure gonna be disappointed " she said once more, walking over to where Orion was grazing peacefully, "but we do have to be grateful to that stupid sheriff, thinking he would have a better chance of getting the drop on ya' in Fort Pierre "she continued talking as she made Orion ready," it turned out to be to your advantage " she glanced back at Curry and Heyes, meeting their eyes.

Dropping her arms to the side, she was struck by the gloomy look on both of their faces. She then absent-minded patted Orion' neck and turned her head down to stare at the ground. This wasn't gonna be easy. She felt a knot forming in her stomach and her eyes started to burn, threatening to spill tears.

She heard them walk towards her, and when she looked up again, they were standing in front of her.

"You're leaving..." she said with a sad voice, not wanting to look at either of them.

Curry looked first at Chyenne then at his partner. The look Heyes was giving her came as no surprise to Curry. In fact he thought that he had been the first to know what was going on, and that included Heyes and Chyenne. The bitter sweetness of the situation, however, left for more to be wished. They were still wanted men, that was something they couldn't ignore, and that made it all the more hard. Both him and Heyes knew they couldn't afford such luxury as to be romanticly involved with a woman, and they had managed pretty well so far, staying out of it...but there are limits to everything. And when a man gets pushed beyond that limit...he's doomed.

And when looking at Heyes, he saw a man that had been pushed so hard, he didn't even knew what had hit him.

Curry reached for her, touching her slightly on her arm.

"Come here..." he mumbled and then grabbed her, gently pulling her into a hug, "I will miss having you around " his words were truthfull and honest."Even though you are a pain in the..." he laughed low in his throat.

Her emerald eyes glanced widely at him as she by pure willpower forced her tears back.

"I'll miss you too Kid" her words as truthfull.

Curry had to bend down to gently plant a chaste kiss on her forehead, grinning as he pulled away, unfolding his arms from around her.

Heyes stood closely, watching as Curry mounted up. Then he diverted his eyes, glancing both sadly and longily at Chyenne.

When he needed it all the most, his speach and his silver-tongue seemed to have abandoned him.

With a shake of his head, he took a step forward and pulled her into an embrace, holding her tightly.

Was this really goodbye? No, he couldn't accept that. He just couldn't say it, say the words.

Looking deep into her eyes, he moved in to kiss her. A soft kiss, a tasting kiss. Not wanting to let go.

As they finally parted, Chyenne leaned her head on his chest, hearing his heartbeats, memorizing every beat of them.

She, too, didn't wanna say the words goodbye, afraid that it would be final, that she would never see them again.

Believing that, if she did not say it, they would meet again some day, somewhere.

Looking up at him, her big eyes spoke volumes as she blinked back tears.

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