Chapter 5

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Kid had not said a word to him during their whole breakfast, and it was beginning to get on his nerves. Heyes decided he had to take the first step.

"Are you gonna give me the silent treatment the whole day, or what?" he asked and put his cup down. The breakfast had as usual, when being in such an astablishment as a hotel, contained just a cup of coffee and a bisquit.

Kid glared at him from over the edge of his cup. When he had gulped down the coffee in his mouth, he also put his cup down.

"No, I'm not." he said shortly and took a bite from his bisquit.

"Then, what?" Heyes blurted out, his eyes looking almost naive as he spoke. He wasn't used to Kid being this touchy, or silent for that matter.

"What, then what? " Kid replied with a chunk of irony attached.

"Oh, for heavens sake " Heyes said and rubbed his chin, "you know what I mean."

Oh Yeah! Kid knew, quite well indeed. But he wanted his friend to squirm a little. He kinda liked it!

"Just enjoying my breakfast, is all." he gave as a reply and took another bite, "hard to talk with your mouth full, if ya' know what I mean?" he added to demonstrate.

"Yeah, yeah " Heyes answered and looked around, not knowing if what he had been planning to talk about, was the best thing to do right now.

But then it happened, as so many times before, it was like Kid was reading his mind.

"You wanna stay here, don't you? Huh?" Kid stated and glued his eyes at Heyes, "I bet for at least a week, huh? Maybe until next...let's say, saturday?"

Heyes jaw slacked as he stared foolishly at his partner. Was he really that transparent?

"If you don't want to, I'll understand, we'll leave." he said as a matter of fact, knowing his loyalty always was with his partner. Where the Kid went, he went. None of them liked splitting up, something bad always had a tendency to happen when they did so, so they tried not to.

At last, Kids face broke into a smile and Heyes blew out his breath, looking down.

"Nahh...we'll stay for awhile " he chuckled but added seriously, "But, if there's any sign of trouble...what so ever, as a thrown horseshoe, or a busted window, remember, we're outta here."

"Don't remind me " Heyes growled as the memory of deputy Harker came back to him. Yeah...Lom really had them wound up thight back there in Porterville. He thought back, it must be way over a year now, and the amnesty was still hanging loose, no breakthrough what so ever. That made him a bit mad, really, thinking about it!

"Well " Kid said, standing up, "Are we done here?"

Heyes looked at Kids empty plate and cup, yeah, he was obviously done. He quickly finished his own cup, but left what little was of the bisquit on his plate, and he stood up.

As they left the cafe, they stopped for a while outside on the sidewalk. Both of them scanned the street in front of them with experience of that of two outlaws, always checking for possible trouble coming their way, and like now, searching for the telegraph office.

"Ah " Heyes hummed, "two a clock, on the right."

Kid turned his head. There it was, located between the merchantile and the barbershop. The storefronts round the whole town looked nice, with bright signs showing and the boardwalks were newly swept, not to long ago someone also had shown mercy on the buildings and painted them, as there were a crisp newly painted look on almost all the houses. Except the telegraph office. Looking at it, they noticed the sign was hanging a little awry and the colors was long since past shining and crisp. The whole place had a grey and dull aura about it.

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