Chapter 13

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The sky above them was just barely showing the promise of daylight when Chyenne woke up near the mouth of the cave that had sheltered them for the night. Commendably the weather had been on their side even this night, and only a little dew, not even enough to damp someones clothes, were spread on the grass round the extinguished campfire outside the Cave.

Drowsy from sleep, her eyes blinked a few times, before panning around the site. It all looked the same from last night, nothing had happened during the night. She exhaled slowly with relief and sat up, stretching her limbs.

"Mornin' " a voice from outside called, then Heyes came into view, he was smiling, "The sun's up!"

"Morning " she answered and brushed some hair from her face. Her mouth felt dry as a desert and she feared her breath would slowly suffocate her, if she did nothing drastic about it soon.

Heyes squatted down in front of her, outside the gap of the cave, blinking at her.

"I had a little, let's say, talk...with our friend this night " he started.

Chyenne looked at him with a frown."This night?"

Heyes shrugged his shoulders, as it was the most usual thing to do. "I couldn't sleep, so I 'talked' a little with Seth over there " he pointed to the tree.

As Chyenne looked over there, she thought Tynan looked a little bit strange, as in tense and strung up. He even had an incipient shiner round his left eye, and a big bruise on his chin.

"What have you done with him?" she rose up on her knees and started crawling out from the cave.


"Talked?" she glared at Heyes, then looking back at Tynan.

"Yeah..." he said matter of factly, not showing any remorse, "It's amazing how much information you can gather just by talking "

Okay. She figured as much as, debating with him would probably make her even more confused, so she dismissed that. Instead she leaned her head to the side, wondering.

"Okay...what information?"

He helped her to her feet , and after she had rolled up her bedroll, they started to move towards the horses. When they got there she saw Curry was already up and about, getting their horses ready.

"It's more or less what you feared "he began, "he sure told the sheriff. and the reason he wasn't there was because he had left for Fort Pierre "

She gasped when hearing that, and then she felt her anger surface. "That rat. He's planning to turn you two in, ain't he?"

Heyes nodded.

The way she clammed up and went totally quiet, her jaw set firm, was almost scary. Heyes looked at Curry, Curry looked back, neither of them spoke.

When she started to walk towards Tynan, Heyes grasped the situation and hurried after her, and in the last second he came between her and Tynan.

"Out of my way..." she seethed and glared at Tynan over Heyes' shoulder.

"No..." Heyes told her and held his arm out to keep her away from him, "You need him to arrive in one piece, remember! Besides...he's already tasted blood "

Curry looked their way anxiously, then after pulling the cinch tight on his horse, he made his way over there, stopping besides Tynan. With slow and deliberate moves he loosened the bindings round Tynans hands and feet and dragged him backwards with him.

"I wanna make him feel pain..." she hissed as she saw Curry take him away, "Please let me.."

She pleaded softly, but her eyes spoke another language. They flashed with anger and had turned to a darker shade of green, the vision of her was like that of a goddess of thunder.

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