Chapter 4

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Chyenne sat on a bale of hay in the stable, fixing the bridles that her beautiful stallion had worn yesterday. For a brief moment her thoughts wandered and she shook her head. Brown eyes and dimples, kept popping up in her mind. Why? At first she honestly did not know why...then it dawned on her. That stuck up cowboy that had spoiled her race. That was it!

Her long, black hair kept falling down in front of her face, and she repeatedly brushed it back.

She was soo mad at him.

The morning sun was shining through the window, giving her light for the task she had at hand. She had been up for hours already, tending to her horse and was now making sure the bridles were in good shape.

Yesterdays encounter with the stuck up cowboy and his friend, had made her testy, and she felt like she needed to punch someone, preferably a stuck up cowboy! Her loosing a bet with that idiot Stan, over how many races in a row she would win, made it even more sour.

Ten dollars. She whispered the amount to herself...ten.

If she couldn't raise that until next saturdays race, he would probably threaten to collect it some other way. Yuck! She shivered at the mere thought.

When she was done with the bridles, she stood up, stretched a little, realizing she needed her morning cup of coffee. Not at all sure of why she had forgotten it this particular morning, she started to walk towards the house.

This morning showed promise of a lovely day, the birds were shirping in the nearby trees and the breeze gently caressed her face as she walked up on the porch. It was considerably warm for the early hour, so she, knowing she was alone out here, took of her shirt, feeling the smooth touch of the wind on her upperbody, now only covered by her chemise. If her mother had been there she had been giving her a sever lecture in how improper it would be for her to expose herself like this. What if somebody would see? But really, she did not care, the soft breeze felt so good on her skin...and it wasn't like she was completely naked, was it?

Closing her eyes to the sun she leaned back on the porch railing, she sighed softly and relaxed her stiff muscles.

~   ~   ~

He saw her almost right away, from a considerable distance, and he was grateful that he had decided to walk instead of taking a ride, as he knew the beating from the hooves would have made her aware instantly. Now as he saw her, his walk became more and more like sneaking, avoiding any tiny thing or rock on the road that would reveal his approaching. About 50 yards from her he stopped, hiding behind a large tree covered by bushes, he was completely silent. He knew he had to be, but mostly because he was stunned by the vision in front of him. She looked absolute calm and peaceful, he could see her chest rise and fall as she breathed softly. The fact that she had only her camisole on top, made his heart beat a little faster, as he could see her taut and smooth skin. She was more than pleasurable to look at.

Heyes felt almost guilty as he devoured her with his eyes, there was just something about her. Her long, black hair maybe, her visible obvious heritage perhaps, he could easily tell now as he saw her all cleaned up and without mens clothing that she was in fact a halfbreed. Or maybe it was her beauty. Thinking back, Heyes could not recall having seen such a beauty ever before. And he had laid his eyes on plenty of women...plenty of beautiful women. He came to an easy understanding with himself, that he really liked what he saw, a lot. Then his eyes was drawn to something completely different. As she shifted a little, her right shoulder became visible to him, and there, just an inch or two below her clavicle, she had a nasty looking scar. He shifted his stance as his eyes widened at the sight. What could possible have done such damage and leave such a terrible scar?

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