That continued until she felt a warm, soft hand slowly slide into hers, finally untangling her fingers and grabbing ahold of her left hand, intertwining their fingers easily.

'How do they fit together so perfectly?'

"Hey, I told you it's fine. Besides, if we ever have to, you know, take a step further? Yeah, take a step further, we'll have to know about each other's pasts and everything that made us today. Not if you're uncomfortable with that, I just–"

"Jimin.." Sana almost giggled at his flustered speech, holding his hand a bit more firmly now as she smiled at him.

"I'd love that," she spoke while maintaining eye contact with him, and he plastered the same expression before turning his head to focus on the road again.

With the little amount of alcohol still circulating in her system, Sana sighed and leaned back into the leather seat, now with an almost idiotically wide smile on her face.

"Let's go to the sea," she muttered, still looking out of the window.

"Sea?!" Jimin echoed, shocked by her sudden desire to go to the sea. It was a bit far away. Actually, no, it was too far away, and it was past midnight.

Blame him for not being able to refuse to her, nodding slowly before changing routes, muttering a small 'sea it is, then.'


Sana smiled as the salty air gently caressed her face, letting her hair flow with the air. The moonlit shore was clear and vivid, and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore was somewhat calming, easing her into a soft ball of happiness and carelessness.

Her heels were long forgotten, sitting uselessly by the huge rock where her other things were, as she walked barefoot along the strip of the water.

Turning to look back at Jimin, she found him staring at her and her smile widened as she let his hand go, walking faster than their ongoing pace.

She laughed when he started catching up to her, confused and amused– swear to God, she loved that combination.

Subconsciously, she broke into a sprint, laughing loudly when his distant laugh ringed in her ears. The wet soil underneath her feet kept her from going too fast, and Jimin was much more fit than her– hence being the reason for him to catch up to her so soon.

He ran quickly, wrapping his arms around her from the back as he did so, lifting her up into the air as their laughters still resonated in the happy air.

"Jimin! Put me down!" Sana managed to fit the words between her unceasing fits of laughter, and he circled her into the air once more before putting her down slowly, still holding onto her.

They smiled goofily before walking to the dry part of the shore, hand in hand.

Sana, however, only managed to walk a bit further before her foot slipped, and she tugged Jimin's hand, landing onto the sand, pulling him along.

They fell with a thud, letting out small groans of protests before turning to look at each other, and broke into a laughter again.

"We're...crazy...I swear.." Sana spoke breathlessly as she caught onto her breath, inhaling a large amount of oxygen.

Jimin turned to look at her and smiled widely, moving his head back to look at the sky, full of stars and constellations.

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