June 8th 2017~ Lockwood

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i finished the empty grave and i am SHOOK i loved it so so much😂😂

I couldn't sleep at all last night. Terrible scenes plagued my dreams almost as bad as the nightmare reality unfolded into.

Lucy obviously wasn't awake at 6 am on a Thursday morning so I decided to go sit in the kitchen and mope about my problems onto the thinking cloth. I didn't plan on this, really, I was going to be productive and write down some errands for the day but all I did was sob for an hour as I read our conversations on the infamous cloth. Lucy would always peek at me over the top of her hand as she wrote a note to me, and I would chuckle and do the same right back.

I choked back a silent sob. I was the one to ruin this and now she had to feel the consequences. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and shrugged it off; it was Lucy. "Lockwood, what's wrong?" she asked gently.

I was so confused. She sounded so.. normal after yesterday that I couldn't help but ask. "Why don't you hate me?"

I turned around to look at her and she was so puzzled I almost wanted to laugh. "What do you mean? You broke up with me, it's fine and I get it. I don't hate you over that."

I groaned. "You were supposed to." I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I should've known Lucy was too kind to hate me over that.

She narrowed her eyes. "Can you... clarify please?"

I tried as hard as I could to contain my sniffles but failed terribly. "He told me to make you hate me with all your heart," I choked out. I didn't care that I wasn't exactly speaking rationally, at least from Lucy's perspective.

"Lockwood, who's 'he'?"

"The skull." I shook my head miserably. "If you didn't hate me before you will now."

"What happened?" she asked anxiously. "How can you hear it?"

"I can't tell you-" I started, but she interrupted in exasperation.

"Lockwood, I don't have time for this, I have a train to catch."

I whipped my head up. "No, please, no, you've gotta stay, you can't leave I have to protect you," I trailed off, cringing at her sharp gaze.

"What happened to the skull?"

"I dropped it. It shattered and threatened to hurt you. I said I'd do anything as long as it didn't touch you." I shivered, remembering what the skull had said.

She rolled her eyes and I slouched in my chair. "That's a great story, Lockwood, but you don't have to make something up to spare my feelings."

"This isn't a joke!" I yelled. "I'm serious!" My voice cracked and that only restarted the flow of tears all over again. Did she really believe I was acting?

She rubbed her temple in frustration. "I have to go. Goodbye, Lockwood. Thanks for everything." I couldn't tell if her smile was genuine or sarcastic. She left and didn't look back.

I'm writing this now with a newfound strength because of what I've just been told.. by the skull. If I don't find Lucy and convince her my story is true by noon on Sunday (today's Thursday) then she's a goner. I won't even write what the skull said.. it's horrifying.

This would be much easier if I just knew where she was actually going.


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