Reflections II

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I missed u guys!
And Lockwood...
And Lucy...
And George...
But not holly.
I didn't miss holly.

Let me just apologize for how extremely short this is, but just read part 1 & 2 together, one after another. Enjoy!


She had to touch the mirror. She had to. Naturally! With curiosity like hers, I should've expected it. So when she was jammed into the closet sized space in an awkward position against me, I should've just laughed it off and shifted my weight around. Nope.

I stood there like an idiot as she bawled about how dark it was, and how she thought it was a big space, and about how this was a stupid idea. I hugged her lightly around the shoulder and she leaned into me. I sagged into the wall and slid down to the floor. "We're probably never getting out of here," I commented sadly. I wouldn't ever get married....have kids......die old with the one I loved.....

"Lockwood- you're crying! What's wrong? Am I standing on your foot?" Poor, innocent Lucy. If only I could just say it.

"I-I'm fine.." I sniffled tiredly. I fell back against the wall; but there was no wall anymore! Only an empty black space!

"No, you're falling- no, no! We can both fit on this..this thing!" It's that American story all over again... what was it? Titanic?

"Luce, if George finds you in the mirror and gets you out, shatter it. I'm serious," I added, even though her pleading whimper shattered my heart. "Both of us can't fit. Look, you're slipping. Better me than you," I sighed in angst, and toppled backwards off the little pedestal in the black abyss.

Slowly, Lucy's screams bled into nothing but silence and my hammering chest, forever falling- for Lucy, literally.

Slowly, Lucy's screams bled into nothing but silence and my hammering chest, forever falling- for Lucy, literally

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