Haunted House

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This is maybe the fastest I've ever written something but I'm very proud of it!


"You want to go to a haunted house?" I cried, hugging both arms to my chest worriedly.

"I think I'll stay back here," George said calmly, probably just as scared as I was.

"Oh come off it! There's nothing to be afraid of, it's only people in masks!" Lockwood exclaimed, attempting to comfort us. He smiled his bright gigawatt grin, and his excitement became infectious.

I sighed in defeat. "I'm blaming you if I die."

He did a little dance in the middle of the kitchen. "I knew you'd come! You're gonna love it, Luce!"

"Don't make me regret it," I grumbled, though secretly amused at his positive attitude.

Driving to that old house was probably what made me the most anxious. The cabbie seemed to believe the house was actually haunted, making me glad we'd all brought our rapiers. Eventually, Lockwood was able to convince George to come along, though he was very cautious and brought a few bits of iron in his pockets.

"'Ere's the old mansion, want me to wait outside?" Lockwood shrugged. "It may be a while with these two," he chuckled, jerking a thumb to George and me. George gasped in mock upset, and I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

Stepping out of the car, the frigid October winds attacked us ferociously. I pulled my coat tighter and shivered, my teeth beginning to chatter. Lockwood noticed this, and my added fears of haunted houses, and pulled me into a warm embrace. I melted into his touch, and secretly hoped he'd never let go. He did though, both of us blushing madly and George chuckling in the background.

"Let's go, you two lovebirds," George said, interrupting whatever was going on between Lockwood and I. It is true though, I have a slight -okay, maybe not that slight- crush on my boss. But he's just that- my boss. Lockwood nodded and led us into the darkened foyer of the house through an open front door.

A sign stood, illuminated by a small penlight produced by George. I began to read. "Welcome to Eldridge Hall. The house you are about to traverse through is old and creaky, possible haunted. Enter at your own risk." I looked at the two boys standing at my sides. "That doesn't sound good."

"Come on," Lockwood cried cheerily, motioning for the two of us to follow. I nodded quietly and stuck by his side like glue.

We walked slowly through the first room. An antique dining table was still set with porcelain bowls and dainty little spoons. A tall grandfather clock stood large and looming above our heads in the corner, and as we walked by, a horrendous face slammed against the glass, leaving trails of saliva- or ectoplasm. A small bit of otherlight could be seen, and mumbles and whispers echoed from that corner of the room. I yelped out in terrified fright and clung to Lockwood's coat, burying my face in his side. Awkwardly, he kind of patted my shoulder before wrapping an arm around me. We continued through the room and I heard a screech from George, who'd been lagging behind, telling us he'd just passed the clock.

"It's silver glass, George, perfectly safe." Lockwood called back reassuringly, and George said nothing. "Luce, it's a new room if you want to look up," Lockwood explained cautiously.

I glanced up quickly. He was right, we were in a small parlor with an overstuffed sofa sat dejected and cold. I felt an overwhelming grip of sadness clench my heart and something told me this was just a side effect from a ghost.

"Temperature's dropping fast," George called loudly. Lockwood stopped me, and uttered not a single word, but pointed. A cold maiden drifted across the room aimlessly, unaware of the three of us. We slowly, slowly backed up until we were back by the grandfather clock. The face lunged against the glass again and that set me off. I screamed so loud and dashed around the corner into another room, this one dimmer than the others in lighting. I felt the heat steadily leave the room, and I turned quickly, expecting to see Lockwood and George careening around the corner just as I had done.

It was a wraith.

I screamed, scrambling into an unoccupied corner of the room, unsheathing my sword. The wraith drifted closer, and I began to get symptoms of ghost-lock. My rapier clattered to the floor, and I pressed myself against the wall. "Lockwood, help!" I called uselessly. "Help! I'm in here!"

Heavy footsteps pounded down the hall and Lockwood gasped as he saw me so close to death. "Lucy- no, hold on I'll be right there!"

In a quick string on fast rapier twirls, the wraith was back in the opposite corner of the room. Lockwood hoisted me to my feet as the tears continued to slide down my face in rivers. "Luce, I'm so sorry, I should have stayed with you the entire time, I-"

"COME ON!" George yelled obnoxiously. "It's coming back," he said, pointing to the corner.

We dashed through the front door and ran at least a block from that terrifying house. Lockwood hugged me again,for the second time today, and I tried to stop the tears. He said nothing, just let me cry onto his shoulder.

"I am so sorry, Lucy. We never should have gone into the house when the cabbie told us it was haunted." Lockwood apologized, lightly kissing the top of my head. I blushed, and glanced around. George was standing by the street trying to call a cabbie. As I sat in Lockwood's arms, I looked up at him and kissed him gently on the cheek. His face went beet-red, and he smiled brightly.

"I love you, Luce."

"I love you more."

ITS SO CUTE I CANT TAKE IT AHHH!!! This was so much fun to write with all the dramatic scenes. Hope you guys enjoy it💕

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