Years Later pt 2

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in short hour or so from when i last updated my boyfriend has left me on read. twice. but i'm fine it's okay, please enjoy:::))))

The cab drove steadily down the grid-like London streets for a time, until slowly trees of steel and glass became meadows and rolling hills. Lucy sighed happily out the open window, glad to be nearing her childhood home, where she'd been staying the past two years.

Suddenly, a voice pulled her out of tranquil memories and back into the unknown. "Lucy Carlyle? What the hell are you doing??"

She whirled around in surprise. "Lockwood! What happened to you guys?"

"Answer my question." He glared at her as if the years before had never happened. "What are you doing? This is technically kidnapping, you know."

Her jaw dropped, having never seen this side of her friend. "You were...sitting in the park, I figured-"

"What? You figured what?" At this shout, the cabbie turned around in concern. "That we needed help? Maybe you should just stay out of this like you did all those years. Maybe no one wants you meddling in their business, ever considered that?" He froze for a moment, realizing the effect his brutal words were having on her. "I-I'm sorry, Luce, I shouldn't have-"

"It's Ms. Carlyle. I don't believe we are on a first name basis anymore, do you agree?" Lockwood hung his head. "You can either accept my help out of an unsafe situation or you can get out of the cab and walk, Mr. Lockwood."

The rest of the drive was utter silence.


The driver pulled up to a gravelly parkway in front of a modest but nice enough two story building across a creek. Lucy briskly opened the door, payed the fee and motioned for Lockwood and the newly-conscious George to the entryway.

Lockwood kept his eyes on his feet and noticed none of the confused glances from George, but Lucy did. "When you're both settled, Mr. Lockwood can explain. There is food in the kitchen, help yourselves  when you see fit. There's spare bedrooms, second and third rooms on the left upstairs."

Lucy stalked through the foyer and loudly dragged a chair out from the table. She put her head down, and began to cry.

just a short one at the moment because it's late at night where i live and i'm tired. there will be at least two more parts. i promise i'll get on those tmrw evening, and in the time it took to write this, my boyfriend finallly answered😂 it's all good. byeee luv yalll

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