Ending 3- Funny

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instead of that sad ending i said i would write, i decided to do a funny one because everyone seemed to really like the funny chapter i did:)))
again, still third person lol

Lucy stumbled down the front porch right into the street, jumping out of the way to avoid an oncoming car. "You idiot, what the hell are you doing?" Lockwood yelled from the doorway. Clearly he still cared enough to make sure she wasn't dead yet.

"Leave me alone, loser." Lucy stood a little longer in the street, but surrendered to walking back to the sidewalk.

"Loser? Is that the best you can do? Asshat."



Lucy gasped. "Lockwood! You didn't!"

He smirked. "I did."

"What, are we just gonna ignore what happened in there?" Lockwood's face fell at the mention of such a catastrophic emotional roller coaster of a morning.

"I was hoping so..." he said, eyes cast down nervously.

"Good, because I was hoping so, too." Lucy winked.

Lockwood brightened. "Can I tell you a joke?"

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Your life?"

He gasped in mock surprise. "No! But that is a funny one." Lucy laughed, and Lockwood waggled his eyebrows. "What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"

"Is this another of your stupid puns?" Lucy asked, reading her friend's expression exactly.

"Yes it is. It's nacho cheese!! Get it?? 'Not your' sounds like 'nacho' cheese?!" Lucy face-palmed.

"Of course you would tell a joke like that." She suddenly got a great idea, and Lockwood noticed her growing excitement.

"What? What is it?" Her happiness was contagious and even though he wasn't in the best of moods, (Lucy hadn't even said anything about his confession of love) he was smiling too.

"We should go draw on George!" He's probably asleep, right?"

Lockwood nodded. "I'll beat you there!" The pair raced into the house where Lucy grabbed a permanent sharpie marker and Lockwood grabbed the shaving cream- to give George a beard, of course.

Lockwood quietly pulled open the door of the room belonging elusive species known as George, revealing him knocked out asleep on his bed- wearing nothing. Lucy screamed first and Lockwood yelped in terrified surprise before turning to sprint out of the room. Unfortunately, he ran straight into the door.

While Lockwood tried to reorient himself and figure out what had just happened, Lucy was still screaming. "MY EYES OH MY JESUS WHY?" Lockwood stifled his laughter as George began to roll over. "MISSION ABORT, MISSION ABORT!" Lucy screeched and the two of them got out of there as fast as possible. Lockwood had never run so fast in his life, and Lucy was sobbing and laughing simultaneously.

"Never. Again," Lockwood sighed in distress. 

"He wasn't the one I wanted to see naked," Lucy muttered in annoyance. Lockwood flushed. "Did I say that out loud?"



so. announcement. I am going to be startin a new story/possibly even series idk called "Ukelele Girl" (tentative title, I'll keep ya updated) and it will be the first original book ive written besides "Alice" and ive since taken that down. (didnt like it) ANYWAY that means there will be less time for this story, so im sorry that i wont be posting as frequently, ill try to do as much as i can- but maybe some of you guys will check out the new story? first chapter hopefully going up soon. thanks for all the encouragement and i really appreciate evryone reading and commenting and voting so thank you so much!! <33 

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