Wedding Crashers

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here's another kinda funny story because I owe you guys for the cannibal devouring george😂 it's george's point of view-somethin new, i guess:) oh and lucy's friend jessabelle < yes I know she's not real. let's say she's a new friend from an agency lucy went to after she left lockwood and co again [testing out writing as side characters!]

Lockwood paced around the table angrily. "George. Do you not see the importance of our role in this?"

I looked up wearily from my jam-slathered biscuit and raised an eyebrow. "It's time to move on, mate. She doesn't love you."

This only made him angrier. "But she wouldn't marry him voluntarily!"

"You don't know that! You two never had anything together and you think you can just crash her wedding?" Talking rational logic into Lockwood at times like these never worked. Still, I tried.

"Yes! That is exactly what I think!" He rubbed his temple tiredly. "She's just gonna regret this. Quill Kips? That's not her." 

I stayed silent.


[jessabelle point of view starts here]

The big day had finally arrived. Lucy, unlike most brides, was hyperventilating in a corner with tears streaming down her face.

"I can't do this! I don't love him, can't anyone see that? I'm going to be trapped! I can't go through divorce! I'm too young, oh God, this is not okay-"

I'd had enough. "Lucy, shut your mouth. You don't have to actually marry him, remember?"

"The plans changed, remember?" she retorted, mocking my annoyed tone.

"What, you have to say 'I do'?"

"Yeah. The whole nine yards," she sighed. "The dress was gorgeous... If only I was marrying someone I can actually have a conversation with without wanting to strangle him!"

I laughed. Ever since I met Lucy about a year and a half ago, we've been as close as sisters. Neither of us had very many girl friends growing up, so the two of us clicked like puzzle pieces. "You can strangle him later. Just get through the wedding, okay?"

"I'm gonna be sick. I can't! What else can I do, though?" She plopped her head in her hands and sniffled.

"I'll figure something out." She looked at me with such hope in her watery brown eyes, I couldn't take it back. "Don't you worry your pretty little face," I said, and she laughed.

"Far from it!"

"Just wait till I cover it in makeup," I smirked, and she went pale.

"Not the outrageously heavy makeup!"

"Oh yes. Come closer, my pretty," I winked. "Gotta look nice on your own wedding day!"

At this, she slumped back down. "Right."

After everything was all set and prepared, Lucy smiled so brightly I could almost pretend it was real.  "You're going to get through this, girlie. I got you," I promised. 

She stood up in her four-inch heels- and then immediately tripped. "My stupid ankles keep giving out! I swear, if I trip down the aisle I'll die of embarrassment!!"

She continued to stumble around the small dressing room while I stood back laughing. Lucy deserved so much better than Quill Kips- she really did. An arranged marriage was one of her biggest fears, and here she was living it.

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