lviii (last chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Wonwoo-sunbae, it's been a long time.", I greeted him. 

He greeted me back. "Miyoung, we thought you couldn't come."

"Well, I had to. It is my best friend's wedding."

"Well, she'd be glad to see you here." Then, he turned to Soonyoung and smacked the back of his head. "The wedding's about to start, where's the MC?"

"Ah, I forgot to say congratulations.", I said.

"You don't have to.", Wonwoo said. "I wouldn't have have to marry her if she didn't get pregnant."

"Yah, whose fault is it I'm pregnant?", said the bride.

 "Seung-ah!" "Miyoung!" The two of us immediately hugged each other. "I missed you so much!", she said.

"I missed you, too.", I told her. "So, how many months are you in?"

She held on to her belly. "It's been three months now.", she said, smiling, but the quickly replaced it to a scowl directed at Wonwoo. "I didn't want to get married yet, but this guy rushed things."

"I didn't expect a baby to come.", Wonwoo argued.

"I told you to be careful, but you-- aish.", Seung-ah countered, slapping his shoulder.

"Aww~ the two of you are still the same.", I said.

The two of them eyed each other. "We may have changed just a bit...", Seung-ah said.

"But we still hate each other.", Wonwoo said, receiving another slap from Seung-ah.

"'Hate'? Think about your baby I'm carrying."

"I was just kidding. Besides, the fact I'm marrying you today shows just how much I love you."

"Aw~ That was so cheesy, but I love it." She snuggled in his arm while he was smiling down at her. 

"Sorry to interrupt the sweet moment but,", Soonyoung said. "We don't want the bride and groom to be late to their own wedding."

"It was your fault in the beginning.", Wonwoo told him. "We can't start the ceremony without the MC."

Soonyoung just nodded his head. "Yes, yes, so let's go now."

They only invited a few people, only the close friends and the immediate family members. After everyone has finaly entered the hall, Soonyoung MC-ed the ceremony with lightning speed. He announced the two of them to kiss and I was feeling so happy for the two of them. I knew they'd end up together.

...I wish my wedding would just be as beautiful or maybe even more than that.

After the meal, the newlyweds brought in everyone to take a picture with them. I stood right by Seung-ah as her best friend while Soonyoung stood beside Wonwoo.

"Eh~ The two of you should stand beside each other.", Seung-ah said. Wonwoo smirked at Soonyoung, who just shook it off with his hand. "Soonyoung, come over here." 

As it was the bride's request, Soonyoung obliged to stand by my side. To be honest, it was kind of awkward compared to a while ago. My heart was beating as we waited for the photographer to finish taking the shot.

Seung-ah chatted with the two of us after the photos were done being taken.

"So, how about you guys? When do you plan to get married?", she asked.

"It won't be soon for me.", Soonyoung answered first. "I don't have a partner right now."

I nodded my head. "Same with me.", I said.

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