Chapter 23: Apologies and Graduating

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Chapter 23

Apologies and Graduating

It has been a week since I got out of the hospital. After Cameron left, my mom came to visit me, but Cameron never came to see me again.

So right now I am debating with myself whether I should go over to Cameron's house and confess my feelings or just stay home.

I really didn't want to go, but he wouldn't respond to any of my texts of calls after I got out of the hospital so going over there was the only thing left to do.

"Come on Brianna. Just go over there." I say to myself pacing around in my room.

"No don't go. Don't embarrass yourself." I continue to talk to myself.

"You have to though. Go tell him that you love him." I say to myself probably sounding like a crazy person.

"Listen to me. Do not go."


"Don't go."


"Don't go."

"Stop it!" I yell at myself. I fall on my bed pulling at my hair.

"Ok. I am going to go." I say getting up. I brush my hair a bit because I recently got up and it looked like a bird's nest.

I open my door and walk as slowly as I can to try and avoid going over but then I finally get to my front door.

I freeze but finally open it and walk across the street to his house. I paused in the middle of the street and just stare at his house.

Maybe I can just stand in the street all day.


A car beeps at me saying that I can't stand in the street all day. Sigh.

I walk very slowly to his house and stop at the bottom of the steps in front of the door.

I look at his driveway and see that no car is there which means his mother isn't there. I probably wouldn't be able to go over there if she was. If she heard what I was about to say, I would probably very much die of embarrassment.

I walk up the first step and guess what? I trip on my non-excitant shoelace. I say non-excitant because I am wearing some flats I slipped on earlier.

"Good going Bree." I mutter to myself. I may be going crazy because talking to myself has become an often thing I do now. I just sit on the steps with my head down.

"Bree?" I hear someone say. Great. Now I am hearing random voices. Now I am officially crazy.

"Bree?" I hear again. I look up to the sky.

"What do you want from me?" I yell to the sky.

"To know why you are on my steps." the voice says to me again. I turn around.

"Cameron! I..... Hi....." I manage to get out with a tiny wave. He is standing in his doorway.

"What are you doing here?" he says in an annoyed tone. It shocks me. I get up

"W- well you see. I fell somehow but before that a very angry car beeped at me. Even before that though, I was talking to myself. I probably shouldn't have told you that...." I trail off, wringing my hands.

"I mean why did you come here? To my house?" he says harshly. Well then.

"I came to.... apologize, yes apologize to you." I lie. I don't have the guts to tell him that I really do love him.

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