Chapter 18: Marriage and Love

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Chapter 18

Marriage and Love

"Our relationship....?" I say slowly.

"Yes." he says seriously.

"But I- I can't. We are friends now and I just don't know." I say. I look down at our project to distract me from his hurt look.

"But Bree. Give me a chance. You know I like you and I know you feel the same." he says.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to get hurt again. I think it's time for you to go." I say getting up and walking out of the room. Cameron follows me out.

"Bree." he says when I get downstairs and open the door.

"Just go." I whisper, but loud enough to where he can hear me.

"Fine." he mumbles as he walks out the door.

I quietly close the door and go back into my room. I sit on my bed and just sit there. I feel like crying, but nothing comes. I just stare at the wall.

Then I get a text from a number that seems familiar about 15 minutes later.

Unknown: Come outside to your backyard

That's all it says. Who is this person and why do they want me to meet them in my backyard?

See, the smart side of me is telling me not to go outside. But the other side of me, the crazy side, is telling to go out there. And sadly the crazy side wins.

I put on some flats and walk downstairs. I open the door and look outside in case I see a murderer or something. But it being dark out here doesn't help.

I step outside and look around. I see that the coast is clear and start walking to the backyard.

I see a shadow of someone. It walks towards me and I finally see who it is.

"Brandon?!" I yell.

"Bree?!" he says mimicking me. I glare at him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask not so nicely. He turns serious.

"I came to see you and tell you something." he says showing no emotion.

"Well what?!" I snap at him.

"Just calm down, ok?" he says calmly.

"Whatever." I mutter.

"So what I came here for I'd to talk about our relationship. Bree I know you might not think that I care for you, but I do. It's just been really hard lately and I haven't been myself." he says sincerely.

"Oh really? Like what?" I ask sarcastically.

"My dad." he says getting upset all of the sudden.

"What about him?" I ask crossing my arms across my chest.

"He is marrying some woman." he says balling up his fist.

"And how is that bad exactly?" I say getting agitated.

"Because she's evil!" he yells.

"What did she do?" I ask.

"She is turning the house into a Barbie dream house! The living room is covered in pink, the kitchen smells like cupcakes all of the time, and my room looks like it belongs to a 6 year old girl!" he yells with making crazy hand movements.

"That's the reason?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. You understand right?" he says calming down a bit.

"You're a bigger jerk than I thought! You break up with me because you are sick if your soon to be step mother? That's a great reason!" I say sarcastically and getting angry.

That is like the worse reason ever! Even though I don't like him, doesn't mean it's fun getting dumped by someone!

"Bree-" he starts to say but I cut him off.

"Look. I'm not getting back with you. I have enough problems as it is. So you are going to go home and play dress up with your soon to be step mother. You will never come here again, ok?" I say keeping my temper tamed.

"Come on, please?" he says getting down on one knee.

"No.'' I say turning my head.

"Please give me another chance!" he screams. I don't say anything.

"Ple-" he gets cut off.

"You can't marry him!" I hear a different voice yell from behind me. I turn my head back around.

"Wait. What?! I'm not marrying him! And what are you doing back here?!" I say facing Cameron.

"Why can't she marry me?!'' Brandon asks Cameron getting up.

"Because I'm not!" I answer the question instead.

"Yeah!" Cameron yells at Brandon. I glare at him.

"Where would you even get that idea from anyway?!'' I ask Cameron.

"Well he was on his knee and that's usually how someone proposes!" he yells at me.

"I was just trying to get her back dude and you are not helping!" Brandon yells at Cameron.

"And you aren't so how about you both go away!" I yell at the both of them.

"You heard her so go!" Cameron told Brandon.

"Hey! She told you to go too!" Brandon yells back at Cameron.

"How about you both shut up!" I yell at them.

They continue bickering. I get tired of this so I walk up to them. I kick Brandon where the sun doesn't shine and he falls to the ground groaning.

"Good job Bree!" Cameron says holding his hand up for a high five.

"You're coming with me." I say sternly. I grab his ear and drag him to the front yard.

"Ow Bree! Let go!" he says trying to get loose. I don't let go.

I drag him into my house. My mom is sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Hello dear. Hello Cameron." she greets us.

"Ms. Jackson, I think your daughter is going to kill me." he says seriously. I let go of his ear and smack him on his head.

"Ouch!" he screams.

"Honey don't kill him ok?" my mom asks me.

"Sure mom. I'll try." I say grabbing his ear and dragging him into the kitchen.

"What were you thinking?!" I yell at him as soon as we get into the kitchen.

"Well I was thinking, I can't let the girl I love get married off to some jerk!" he yells back not knowing what he said. His face turns into shock.

"What?" I ask. He leads me to the kitchen table and we sit down.

"Bree, I've loved you for a while now. I just didn't know how to tell you and I have been a jerk to you. I know I have no right to say this because I don't deserve you at all. I'm sorry." he says then sighing.

"I don't know what to say." I say after a minute then looking at the ground. He lifts my chin up with his hand, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't then." he says before leaning in and then kissing me.

At first I don't react, but then I start kissing him back. It's not polite not to kiss someone back you know. He pulls back.

"I really do love you." he says staring at me then getting up.

The last thing I here is the door closing and my heart racing.

Cameron loves me, but the
question is, do I love him?


Cameron loves her! Don't think this is going to be the end because I still have a lot of ideas! What did you think of the chapter? Favorite part?

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