Chapter 4: Studying and Kissing

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Chapter 4

Studying and Kissing

I'm getting ready for school. I get my clothes and do my hair. I even put on some make-up for Cameron. I have to redeem myself from Saturday. I still can believe I stuttered! Today has to be different.

I called Anna and she comes to pick me up. I told her about Cameron at the skating ring and know I'm telling her about this mysterious person. She thinks that it's just someone pranking me. I don't think so though, but I'll find out today for sure.
I'm in my first period class, Social Studies. This class is so boring, but Cameron is in this class. We didn't have time to talk this morning.

Finally this class is over! So I make my way to Cameron and we talk for a while. I find out that we have all of our classes together. It turns out he is really smart.
So we head for our next class, English. I hate this class and I didn't do my homework. This class seems to take forever. Then the bell rings. Thank Goodness! Hallelujah!

I start to run out of class but the the teacher, Mr. Goldman calls me and Cameron back to the class.

"Welcome to the school" he tells Cameron. "I wanted to ask both of you for a favor. Brianna (he uses my real name) you have not been doing a good job in English. And Cameron you have the best grades in my classes. So I wanted to know if you would tutor Brianna for me Cameron? And you Brianna to show Cameron here around."

I stand there in shock. Did he really have to say that in front of Cameron? I think not. Now he's going to think I'm dumb and say no. Then some geek is going to have to tutor me! Ugh! Then something amazing happens.

"Sure Mr.Goldman, I'll tutor Brianna." Thank you Cameron! Now I will have more time to spend time with him.

"So I guess we can start today after school" Cameron said to me as we were walking to our next class, math. "Sure yeah" I said still thinking about him tutoring me.

After math we went to lunch. I introduced Cameron to everyone and they liked him. Anna gave me a look saying ' he's hot. Too bad I can't have him'

Once we go to our other classes the school day is over. So now I am going over to Cameron's house for my tutoring. Yes this is going to be fun.

"So I guess we can study for an hour or two then you can go home" Cameron says while we are walking to his house. His house isn't to far from the school. About just the same distance from my house.

When we make it to his house I notice something. "Hey, I live over here." Then I see my house on the other side of the street. "You live right across from me now" I say to him. "I know" he says while smirking.

He knows something I don't know. Something my brain clicks.

"How do you know" I ask him starting to get it. " I saw you look out your window yesterday." It was you then!" I say thinking I'm crazy. " What was me?" he asks all innocent like. He knows what I'm talking about.

"You were texting me yesterday! You had me thinking I was being stalked. Gosh! And how did you get my number?" I asked him as we are walking to his table and setting everything up. He just shrugs his shoulders and pretends like he doesn't know what I'm talking about again! I just leave it alone though.

So we study for about an hour and a half then we just start talking about ourselves. We talked about his last school and how hi parents got divorced recently. He is staying with his mother now. She thought that moving would be better for them so that's why they are here.

Then we end up talking about the school play. We are doing some romantic play called 'Searching for Love.' The main characters are Victoria and Travis.

Basically Victoria is a princess that has a destiny of marrying Prince Charles. But she doesn't love him. So she runs away searching for her true love. While she is buying some food, she runs into someone and drops her food. Then the look each other in the eyes and its love at first sight. They talk and it's perfect, but he doesn't know she's a princess. Soon she sees a guard coming from the palace. She runs away without her true love. And they don't even know each others name.

"Im thinking about trying out for Travis" Cameron says. "Cool. Im trying out for Victoria" I say to him.

Then I realize what I just said. We are trying out for the two main roles, who are in love. I blush.

"You want to practice?" He asked me. I start blushing more.

My stomach has butterflies and my heart is beating fast. What is this feeling I've never felt before?

I say yes and we practice. When we look into each others eyes it truly feels like love at first sight. Then we get to the end right before the big kiss.

"Victoria, Victoria. My sweet Victoria. Don't leave me again, oh Victoria." Cameron's words sound so real. He must really be a good actor.

"Travis but you must know. I am the princess. We can not be together. I am set to marry Prince Charles." I say to him feeling so nervous.

"I care not if you are a princess. But if you love me you will stay with me" he says back, making me melt.

"My father would have guards come and kill you! I would not be able to live with myself knowing I caused your death."

"Run away with me Victoria. We could escape and we could be together. Please say yes"

This is where we kiss. I close my eyes and lean forward and our lips touch. It feels so amazing. Even though it is just for a play, it feels so real. He breaks the kiss to when his phone rings. I miss his lips already.

He looks at me for a second. He turns off his phone and I think he is about to kiss me again, but he doesn't.

"You should probably go, its late." He says looking at the floor.

"Yeah my mom is probably worried. See you tomorrow at school"

I walk out of his house to mine. I try to tell myself that the kiss was fake, not real. But I can't shake the feeling in my heart.

That kiss was one of the most best things in my life.


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