Chapter 9: Death by Lasers and Duty Calls

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Chapter 9

Death by Lasers and Duty Calls

When we get there I am so happy.

"Laser Tag?!" I pretended that I was mad. I really did like laser tag. I didn't want Cameron to know that. I could use it to my advantage.

"What? You don't like laser tag? Are you bad at it or something?" He asks smirking.

"Yes I am bad at laser tag." I lie. Then I sigh to add good measure.

"Well this should be fun. I get to shot you and not have to worry about you shooting me." he says.

"Yeah right." I say quietly.

"What's that?" he asks.

"Oh, nothing." I smirk to myself.

So we go in and he pays for the both of us. That's so sweet. He's going to make me feel bad for beating him. Not.

It was only us two since school was going on. I had on a blue vest and he had on a green vest.

"Ready to loose to the pro, love?" he says in a English accent, confidently gesturing to himself.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I pretended being sad that I was going to lose. Never in his dreams.

The game starts and we rush in. I go to hide and wait until he comes. I was getting ready to come out of my hiding spot, he finally comes in eyesight. I shoot him on his back.

"Hey!" he says as his vest goes off. "I thought you were horrible!" he says looking shocked.

"I lied. Sorry!" I say as I run off before his vest and gun comes back on. I dive behind this wall like I'm doing a stunt.

"I'll get you back for that!" he screams. I hear him running around trying to find me.

"I highly doubt that!" I yell back at him. Instead of him finding me, I just put him out of his misery and shoot him. Again.

"Come out like a man and shoot!" he yells. I go out in the open.

"There you ar-" I cut him off by shooting him. Victory tastes good.

After 30 minutes, the game ends. It was a pretty long game. The people at the front told us we could have extra time. The game is usually is only about 10 minutes.

Oh! Silly me! I forgot to mention something. I Won!

"I still can't believe that you, out of all people, beat me." Cameron mutters.

"I still can't believe that you believed me about being horrible." I say laughing.

"So now I know that I can't trust you." he says.

"No. You can believe me, but in competitions." I smile at him. "I had fun. So what time is it?" I ask.

"Relax Bree. It's still first period." he says.

"Ok. So do you want to play again? I could go easy on you if you want." I say smirking.

"No! We are going to play again and you are going to play as hard as you can. And by the way, I was going easy on you." That is so a lie.

"Oh whatever. So let's make this more interesting. The person that loses, has to.... buy the winner lunch!" I say.

"So you think you are going to win huh?" he asks.

"I know I'm going to win." I say surely.

So he goes to pay for another game. He's losing quite a bit of money. First paying for two games for two people which already cost a lot and second, buying me lunch after we finish this game.

The lady at the counters says something to us, but I'm to busy thinking of how I am going to beat him again.

Cameron says something to back to the lady and it takes me a second to figure out what he said.

"I hope one day she will be.'' is what I heard. What did the lady say?

"What did she say?" I ask him as we start getting our vest and guns ready for war again.

"Uh... nothing. She said nothing." he stutters. He acting weird.

Ok..... So you ready?" I ask him, letting it drop.

"Ready to win? Yes." he says smirking. Good, he's back to his normal self.

"No. Ready to get your pride destroyed again, since I damaged it pretty bad the first time I won."

"Whatever." he mutters.

We start the game again, Then something shocking happens.

He almost gets me. I guess he did step up his game. But not enough.

I dodged it like a dodgeball. Everything was going in slow motion. I quickly shot him before tucking and rolling on the ground behind a wall.

"Almost got you!" he yells.

"But as Ariana Grande say 'Almost is Never Enough'." I say singing the last part.

The game continues until finally, I win again. Although it is not a surprise to me.

"I win again!" I rub it in his face as I do a little happy dance.

"Are you having a seizure?" he ask mockingly.

"Do not ever make fun of my dancing. Ever." I say seriously.

"Ok. I'm sorry. You can't take a joke." he says the last part quietly.

"No, you can't take a joke." I say smiling at him. "I know I dance like a gorilla on drugs." I say laughing at my own joke. He joins in too.

"So how about we go to my house and play Call of Duty: Ghosts." he suggests.

"Sure, but I know for sure that I won't be able to win at that one." I say telling the truth.

"Great." he smirks.

We go to his house. His mom wasn't there and my mom wasn't at my house either. It was good because if they saw us we would be in so much trouble.

We walk to to the game room. He puts in Call of Duty: Ghost in the Xbox. Of course I lose. I saw it coming. And of course he runs it in my face. I'm only good at shooting in real life. Go figure.

"Haha! You lost!" he laughs.

"I already told you that I would lose. But I bet I could beat you at Street Fighters." Street Fighters is one of my favorite games.

"You really think so?'' He asks.

"Of course. I know so." I say.

"Ok then let us play to the death."

He puts it in and after 5 games I win all of the except for one.

"I told you I would win, Cameron." I say to him.

That's when someone pulls up outside his house.

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