Chapter 15: Heaven and Rainbows

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Chapter 15

Heaven and Rainbows

"Well when I was younger I lived with my mom and my older sister. Everyone in the house was a girl most of the times because my dad worked a lot. So I was surrounded by girl things. Makeup, dresses, Barbie." he says shuddering and shaking.

"Hey don't shake to much. You are still driving." I joke with him. He continues his story.

"I was 5 and my sister was 7. So I listened to anything she said. So one day my mom left to go to the store. We didn't want to go so we had a babysitter. The babysitter wasn't very good though. She was a 70 year old lady who slept all of the time. So that day my sister started putting makeup on me. She said she was going to make me look like Spider-Man. She said my face would look like his mask." he stops because he can't go on. I try my best not to laugh.

"I can't do this anymore. It's to painful." he says seriously. This must have really traumatized him. I feel bad now.

"You know what. Don't say anymore. I knew nothing of this before you said anything. I lied." I say.

"Well thank you for letting me stop." he says. I don't think the last part I said has been comprehended yet. Then he does.

"Wait what?! So you're telling me you didn't know anything about this until I said something?'' he says not really believing me. I nod my head.

"I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes." he mumbles to himself. I start laughing.

"Yeah that might help." I say between laughs.

We arrive at a fancy restaurant. And when I say fancy I mean a place that looks like where a queen would eat.

"Why are we here? This is way to fancy!" I say once I get out of the car.

"It's fine. I have the money." he says like he does this everyday.

"You have the money? Are you rich or something?" I ask as a joke.

"Sort of." he says while we walk to the entrance. We walk in and the place is beautiful. We get a table as soon as we get there even though there is a long line in front of us.

"Wait a second. How did we just get a table and how are you sort of rich?" I ask.

"Well my dad owns a company which gives us quite a lot of money."

"Which company?" I ask curiously.

"Williams' Records." he says like its not a big deal.

Well it is a big deal. Williams' Records is one of the biggest recording companies. No wonder he has a lot money.

"No way! Williams' Records?!" I say. Well yelled since I get dirty looks from other people around us.

"Yep. But don't let that change the way you look at me. I am just a normal college boy." he says.

"College?!" I yell again, earning more dirty looks from people.

"Quiet down!" he says laughing. I calm down.

"Yes college. I am a sophomore. Is that a problem?" he asks worried.

"No no. It's just I never thought that you were in college. I thought you just went to another high school."

"Well considering that there isn't another high school around here that would be hard." he says chuckling.

"Well yeah." I blush embarrassed.

"You know you look cute when you blush." he says making me blush even harder.

We order our meal. We talk about how college is and some of our favorite things. We basically try to get to know each other better.

"How is the food?" he asks about the pasta I ordered.

"It tastes like a first class plane made out of rainbows on its way to heaven with Spongebob and Patrick on it." I say before eating some more of it. He starts laughing.

"So what is your favorite show?" I ask him after chewing my pasta.

"I guess I would say Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness." he says while nodding his head.

"Really?" I say not believing it.

"Hey don't mess with Kung Fu Panda. Thanks to that, I know Kung Fu now." he says defending it like I did with Spongebob.

"Oh really? What do you know?" I ask.

"The Wooshy Finger Hold." he says while keeping a straight face. I stare at him for a long time.

"Well I am going to go to the bathroom now.'' I say getting up. I walk away then I hear him start to laugh.

I go in the bathroom to make sure I still look alright. I see nothing wrong so I start to head out. I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry." I say to the person. I look up and see that it is Cameron.

"Wait. Why are you here?!" I yell at him.

"I am on a date." he says.

"But you we just saying you were going to wait for me! Now I see you were really lying." I say pushing past him.

He grabs on to my wrist and pulls me into the girls bathroom.

"Why did you pull me in here?!" I hiss at him.

"I am on a date because you weren't going to stop let me explain. I waited for you, but all you did was move on without me.'' he says not answering my other question.

"Well now I know I made the right choice." I say back.

"I couldn't wait forever!" He yells

"Cameron. You said that about 5 hours ago. Thats surely not committing to it!" I say getting angry.

"Why do you care? You've clearly moved on!" he says getting angry too.

"Well maybe I want you to care!" I say on accident. That wasn't suppose to come out like that.

"What?" he asks calming down.

"You know what? Just forget I ever said that. You obviously don't care." I say walking to the door. He grabs my waist and pulls me to his chest.

"You know I've had a huge crush on you since we met, right?" he whispers in my ear. "I want to be with you Bree. Do you want to be with me?" he asks making me shiver. I say nothing.

Did I want to be with him? Did I really want to leave Nick for Cameron? Destroy everything I did to get over him just to probably do it again?

"Bree I do care. I care a lot about you. You don't know what I put myself though because of what I did to you. And I think it's more than a crush." he says still whispering in my ear.

I look in his eyes, seeing them full of regret. He is sorry for what he did and now I know. But I just can't seem to forgive him.

"I can't do this." I say running out of the bathroom.

I go sit back down at the table with Nick. I try to show nothing of what just happened. But I think he notices.

We leave and start driving back to my house.

"Bree. I know there is something you're not telling me. What happened?" he asks driving.

"Nothing. Really. I am just a little tired." I say hoping he will drop it and he does.

He drops me off and I go straight to my room. I think about Brandon, Cameron, and Nick the whole night. Why do I have so many boy problems?


I updated!

I've been feeling really bad lately because this book is really short. It's been nagging me! But I've come to a decision that no this book will not be long at all. At the most only 30 pages. So please don't be mad at me.

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