Chapter 20: Superman and Mickey Mouse

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Chapter 20

Superman and Mickey Mouse

I am now laying in my bed. After school, which was so boring, I went straight home. The party is tonight, but I don't really feel up to it. I am only going because of my beautiful dress. And because Anna will kill me if I don't go.

I have about 2 hours until the party starts and being to lazy to get up and get ready I decide to play Injustice for a while. I pick Wonder Woman because she is awesome. Well because she is the only one I really know how to play with. It was either her or getting someone else while just pushing random buttons.

"Die Superman!" I scream to my T.V. I am on the last level and I am really into the game.

"Honey! Violence is not the answer!" my mother yells up to me from downstairs.

"It is just a game mother!" I yell back.

"Well then use your words!" she yells back to me.

"Well I don't think Superman wants to talk. He just wants to use his laser beam eyes on me." I mutter to myself.

I am so close to beating Superman when...


"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream when I hear the sound.

Thriller Night!

"Michael Jackson? Is that you?" I ask stupidly looking at the celling.

I look back at the screen and see that I died.

"Noooooooo!" I yell then fall back on my bed.

I realize that 'Thriller' is just my ringtone and that my phone is ringing. I find it and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask groggily into the phone. I am mad that I lost.

"Hey Bree! Why do you sound like you are about to murder someone?" Anna answers back into the phone.

"Well, Michael Jackson decided he wanted to have a thriller." I say.

"Seriously Bree?" Anna asks me.

"Well I was playing Injustice until Superman killed me and I lost!" I yell into the phone.

"Wait? What?" Anna says unbelievably.

"I know right? How did I lo-" I start to say until Anna cuts me off.

"Not that Bree! Are you ready for the party?" she asks me.

"What party?" I ask stupidly.

What party is she talking about? Why didn't I know about this?

"The party that is tonight. The biggest party of the year. The one we got your dress for... Does that ring a bell? she says slowly like she is talking to a child. Or someone who is just sometimes slow like me.

"..... Oh yeah! I am totally ready!" I lie. I still have on my Mickey Mouse sweatshirt and jeans I wore today at school.

"You are laying in your bed with the same clothes you had on at school aren't you?" she asks me knowingly.

"Maybe...." I drag on the word.

"Bree the party starts in 15 minutes. Get ready and I'll be there to pick you up." she hangs up.

"Goodbye then." I say to the phone with no one on the other end. I put my phone done and get up.

Does no one say bye anymore these days?

We are now at the party. Anna came to pick me up with Drew too. Drew disappeared a long time ago and Anna and I are dancing. We have been dancing for a while so I leave to go rest for a second.

I go into the kitchen which has all kinds of drinks. No doubt alcohol. I don't drink because I would be in so much trouble with my mother.

I lean on the counter for a while just watching everything until this cute guy comes up to me.

"Well hey there sweet cheeks. Wanna dance?" he asks me confidently.

"Sorry. I don't really want to. She might though." I say pointing at some random place on the other side of the house.

"But I want to dance with you." he says getting closer. I back up.

"No thank you. Goodbye now." I say annoyingly.

"Your choice." he says while walking away.

I have no idea why I turned him down. Any other time I would have said yes but I don't know why it has changed this time.

Then I think of Cameron. He is the reason. He is why I said no to that guy. Cameron has this control over me. No matter how hard I tried, I never stopped thinking of him. Maybe I do love him.....

No I cant love him. He hurt me more than once. But he did save me from my ex boyfriend and he said he loves me. I think.... I think I love Cameron.

He has been chasing me this whole time and now I need to chase after him.

I decide to go into a quiet place because I need to call him and tell him that I love him too. I find a small size room and open the door. Though when I go in, there are two people having an extreme make out session.

"My eyes!" I scream.

I take a closer look at the two because what I see is unbelievable. It is some random girl and....



Who hates Cameron right now?

Tell me what you think in the comments!

The next chapter is going to have a lot of drama!!!!

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