Chapter 10: Almost Busted and Headaches

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Chapter 10

Almost Busted and Headaches

"Seriously!" Cameron yells as he looks outside at the car. "Its my mom." he says frustrated.

"We need to hide." I say close to panicking. We can't get caught. I would be punished for life. We start to head to his room.

"Ok. Let's hide in my closet." he says as we make it to his room.

His room is so messy. There is stuff all over the place. I trip on something and fall over. I landed on my face with a hard thump.

"Cameron?" we hear his mother say.

"Man! She heard us!" he whisper yells.

"She's going to catch us." I officially start panicking.

"No she's not. She's going to catch me pretending to be sick. And you are going to hide." he says as he pushes me in the closet.

He starts laying in his bed when we hear his mom come in the front door. I close the closet door and wait for his mom to come. I could see out of the little gaps on the door, but no one could see in.

"Pumpkin! What are you doing here?" his mother says when she finally comes to his room.

"I went to school *cough* and I didn't feel well. I saw you weren't home so I didn't call you because *cough* I didn't want to bother you." he says. Wow he is good at lying. I almost believe him.

"Darling you could have called me! I would have helped you." she says while rushing over to him and putting her hand to his forehead. "Are you going to be okay because I have a meeting to attend, but I could stay here and-" Cameron cuts her off.

"I'll be fine. I probably just need some rest." he tells her.

"Are you sure?" she says looking regretful if leaving her not so sick son.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." he says.

"Ok. I love you." she says looking guilty. "But I should stay just in case." she adds quickly.

"Bye mom. I love you too." he says with a hint off irritation in his voice. She leaves out of the room and we hear her go outside and leaves in her car.

"You can come out now." he says to me though the closet. I walk out holding my head

"What happened to your head?'' he asks.

"Well thanks to your messy room, when I fell I hit my hear pretty bad." I say getting a headache.

"I'm so sorry. Let me help you." he says as he gets out of his bed. He lets me lay down in his bed.

He heads down stairs to get something. He comes back with some medicine.

"Here. Take this." he says as he hands me a little cup with red liquid in it. I bring it to my nose and smell it. If it smells wrong that means it taste bad according to me.

"I am so not taking this." I say as I shove it back to him. That was the worst thing I've smelt in my life.

"You have to unless you want your head to keep hurting." he says.

"No." I say stubbornly crossing my arms over my chest. He looks at it for a second then back at my face. I start to blush, but turn around so he won't see. Why does he make me blush? I don't blush.

"Yes. Now take it." he gives me the cup back.

"Never." I say as I push the cup back, but it spills all over his shirt.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." I say as the liquids stains his shirt.

"It's ok. It's just a shirt." he says laughing. He is just too nice.

He takes off his shirt and I stare at him. He has a six pack and his muscles. Oh gosh the muscles. They are just right. Big but not to big. Then his chest....

"Please just take it." he says as he pours me some more in the cup. He sadly puts on a white T-shirt. But I can still see his arm muscles.

"Alright." I groan as he gives me the cup. It's now or never. I put it to my mouth and count to five. Then it goes in my mouth. But I don't swallow.

"Swallow." he commands me. I shake my head no.

"Yes." I shake my head again.

"Well I guess you can't have this drink to get that taste out of your mouth." he mocks as he holds up a bottle of water in my face.

I needed that water because this stuff was so nasty and this stuff was burning my mouth. I finally swallow.

"Here." he says while handing me the bottle of water. I drink half of it as soon as he gives it to me. He lays down on the bed with me. Then we start talking.

30 minutes later I start getting sleepy. I yawn.

"Sleepy?" he say smirking like he knows something I don't.

"Yes, and I have the feeling that you know why." I stop to think. "It was that medicine! You put poison in it!" I yell.

"No I didn't. They meds just makes you go to sleep. I should have thought of that though....." he trails off with a sneaky look on his face.

"I not going to sleep!" I say mid yawn.

"Of course you aren't." he says sarcastically. I feel my eyelids getting heavy. I yawn again.

"Just sleep." he says.

"No...." I say drifting off.

"Sleep head." I barley hear him say and he laughs. Then I feel his arms wrap around me and he pulls me closer to him. Then he kisses my forehead.

"Now it's all better" he says quietly as I fall into a deep sleep.

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