Chapter 8: Kidnaping and Murderers

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Chapter 8

Kidnaping and Murderers

I stay in the library. I can't believe he just ditched me. I understand that he left probably because he was embarrassed or something, but he still could have explained.

I'm just going to ask him why he left. So while I still have about 7 minutes left I decide to look for a book. I do like reading alot. I read mostly when something bad or frustrating in my life is happening. It makes me feel better.

I pick out the book 'Bad Girls Don't Die' by Katie Alender. It looks pretty good. I also pick 'Fallen' by Lauren Kate.

I start reading when the librarian, Mrs. Williams, comes in. She smiled at me. I was almost always here. But then someone came in behind her. There was a boy that looked like he was a little older than me.

"Hello Brianna dear! This is my son, Nicholas." Mrs. Williams says.

"Hi, nice to meet you Nicholas" I say staring at him. He looks good. He has black hair and gray eyes. He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you too Brianna." he says smiling at me still. Mrs. Williams leaves to go somewhere and Nicholas sits down at the able I was sitting at.

"Just call me Bree." I say to him
"And just call me Nick." he says back to me.

"So where do you go to school?" I ask Nick.

"I go to-" he starts to say but then the bell rings. I start to get all of my things, making sure I don't forget my books.

"Sorry I have to go, but I'll see you another time maybe?" I say to him not to sure I'll see him again.

"Definitely." he says while getting up. He leaves to where his mother went.

I start walking to class when I run straight into Cameron. He was standing a the library door. Was he watching Nicholas and I talk?

"Hi...." I say to him slowly.

"Hey..." He says copying me.

Well this is awkward.

"So we're still on for 5:30 right?" he asks me.

"Um.... Yeah." I am not sure I even want to go. He obviously didn't want to kiss me before he left. I'm just hurt. Am I a bad kisser?

Then we start walking to class. We are going to be late for class. But if we hurry we might-

The bell rings, which means we are going to be late.

"Man! We're late!" I said yelled frustrated.

"Calm down. It's not the end of the world." Cameron said.

"I know" I said quietly

"Maybe" he whisper mischievously.

"Cameron!" I scream at him. Is he trying to make mad?

"Sorry sorry!" he says laughing.

"Shut up. It's not funny." I mutter.

Then he says something that gives me butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm sorry it's just that you're so cute when you're mad." he smiles at me.

I didn't know what to say to that. He made me forget that I was mad at him.

"Whatever" I say to him walking to class.

"Wait." he says to me. He grabs my wrist to keep me from walking away from him. "I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Sure. Just come on before we get in more trouble." I couldn't say no to him. Not while he was touching me.

"I think I have something better to do since we already missed 2 minutes of first period." he says mischievously.

"Wait. You want to skip class?" I ask in disbelief. I don't like skipping class.

"Yes but only first and second period."

"Why?" I ask. He's up to something.

"Just come on." he brings his have down my wrist to my hand. He holds my hand as we head outside.

"Do we absolutely positively have to do this?" I ask thinking we can still sneak into class without being seen if we try hard enough.

"Yes, yes we do." he says

"Where are we going?" I ask

"My house."


"Why do you ask so many questions?" he says faking being annoyed.

"Because for all I know, you could just be leading me to my death. You could be a murderer!" I say trying to prove my point in why I ask questions.

"Or you could be kidnapping me! I have to know this stuff. Otherwise you wouldn't just tell me ' I'm going to kidnap you then kill you'." I think I have proved my point now.

"Wow. I never thought you thought of me that way. Well murder I would do, but kidnaping you is just crossing the line." he says. My point has not been proven here at all.

"What!" I scream. I start running away.

"I'm just kidding!" he yells to me. I stop running and turn around.

"Don't play around like that." I huff.

"Alright." he says smiling at me.

"And stop smiling. Why are you smiling anyway?" I ask irritated.

"Just because." he says still smiling at me.

"Stop. It's creepy." I say smiling. He could change anyone's mood in seconds.

"Does this face look creepy to you?" he says gesturing to his face.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

He thinks it over. "Nevermind because you would probably say I look like Godzilla or Bigfoot. So no."

I start cracking up. Because it's true. I would say that.

"Nah. I was thinking something more like...." I was thinking.
"Oh! I got it. Cinderella!"

"Cinderella doesn't look to bad." he says confused.

"Before the bibbdy bobbdy do!" I add still laughing.

"You really know how to hurt a man's pride don't you?" he says pretending to be hurt.

"Yes, yes I do" I say repeating what he said.

We keep walking to his house, but I still don't know why. I feel like one of those girls in horror movies when the person says to follow me and then that person kills them.

Then we finally get to his house. Now I'm thinking 'here's where I am going to die. Goodbye world'
Then we get in his car.

"Seriously where are we going?" I ask hoping I can get him to spill the beans.

"To a dark ally so I can kill you." he says with a serious look on his face.

"Yeah about that-" I stop so I can jump out of this car and save my life.

"Sit down you know I'm just kidding with you." he says laughing a little while he pulls me back in the car.

"Just tell me then so that I can know for sure that you aren't going to kill me." Is at close to chocking the answer out of him.

"I'm not going to kill you Bree!"

"Then tell me!" I yell

"You'll see when we get there." he says smirking.


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