Taylor's P.O.V

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I must've fallen asleep in the hospital. Although Matt is no longer my boyfriend I feel like I should be there for him until he wakes up. Yesterday was hectic and led to him getting 70 stitches in his head. He's so cute when he's sleeping. Wow , uhhh I sound creepy.

I walked over to his bed and held on to his hands which were cold and clammy. I kissed him on the forehead and went home to shower up and stuff.

"How's Matt honey?" My mom asked as I walked into the house.

"He is holding up. The doctor said that he should be conscious in a day or two but he's going to need a wheelchair for a while, he's going to be in a lot of pain." My eyes started watering but I couldn't let my mom see me cry.

"Okay hun, well lunch is almost ready. Go get cleaned up and come down when you're ready.... I love you"

"I love you too mom" I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. I smelled like ratty hospital chairs and greasy food, gross. After I showered, I pulled out my phone to see 7 texts. I hadn't checked my phone since I had gotten to school yesterday, so I read them all.

*From:Camm♥- Taylor, oh Taylor, where art thou beautiful Taylor?*

*From:Nash - I am hurt :^( you haven't spoken to me in days Taylor, where's the love!?*

*From:Mi MAMAA- Young one are you sdaying at tbe hospital?*

*From:Mi MAMAA- shaving** the** *

*From:Mi MAMAA- This damn phone! I meant staying!*

*From:Camm♥- Babe, I am currently watching The Last Song, likw you suggested.... thanks for making me cry Miley and Liam -_- Call me when you get home.*

*From:Matthew.- Hey Taylor uhh I just want you to know that I screwed up... big time. You deserve to be treated like a queen. I never meant to hurt you and I take full responsibility for my actions. I love you. I won't stop loving you. You're my dream girl. You're everything that I want and need. And I hope one day I can call you mine again. My baby, My forever,  My queen, My wife. too far? probably but I don't care. I need you Taylor. You know what... I'm coming to your classroom right now to tell you this. You deserve a face to face apology.

I dropped my phone and broke down into tears.  That's why Matt was outside of my classroom,  that's why Matt passed out.  It's all my fault! it has to be. I'm such a bitch. I could've let him explain I could have been there for him and love him the way he loves me I could have done so much more but I screwed that up and I don't think he will ever love me again I don't think he will ever forgive me and I don't think I can hurt Cameron I can't just break up with him for no reason. He's the perfect boyfriend. I don't know what to do anymore. I picked up my phone which wasn't cracked, luckily and called Cameron.

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