Taylor's P.O.V

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*I love you Taylor Marie Jones *

I smiled ridiculously hard.

*Matthew I've been in love with you since the day I met you. when you left me I cried for a week straight, I know this sounds weird but it's true.*


*go for it :)*

*If you've liked me for this long... why did you never tell me? why did you never walk up to me and just start a conversation with me? huh taylor?*

*I was scared... you were always with Nash and them*

*another question*

*Matt you know you can just ask you don't have to say question*

*Taylor.... will you be my girlfriend?*

*Are you serious ?*

*Not the reaction I wanted but yes I'm serious*

*Oh my god... yes Matthew, a thousand times yes!*

*Great! I'm tired so I'm gonna get ready for tomorrow, you need to too. And I'm glad you're still going. Goodnight babe.*


That was the best moment of my life! I cannot believe Matt asked me out. My phone buzzed as I got comfy it was a text from Matt:

*How rude of me... I'll pick you up at 1, be ready babe I have a surprise for you :)*

Wait... Cameron said he had a surprise for me... This can't be good. But, whatever Cam has for me isn't important. What matters is me and Matthew. I opened my laptop and checked my facebook page , Happiest guy in the world right now. posted 3 minutes ago by Matthew Espinosa. I hope that status is about me and not somebody else. I post a status up: So.... let's just say my night has been made ♡. I put my laptop away and went to bed.

Matt's SeductionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora