Matt's P.O.V

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I lost my virginity and it was amazing. I woke up and saw Taylor laying next to me. She made me feel a way that I've never felt before. I think I might just love her.

            I kissed her forehead and hopped out of bed, to make breakfast for the house but, everyone was gone. There was a note on the fridge

                  Matt and Taylor-

we all decided to head down to the beach, you guys should really join us when you guys awake from your slumber. Haha oh by the way there's a bunch of snacks and shit that we didn't feel like carrying, they're in the cupboard can you bring them? Thanks. see you soon!


I ran upstairs to wake Taylor up so we could take a shower.... together I guess.

              "Matt! why did you wake me up!"

              "Awww you're so cute when you're angry babe, anyways get up we're going to the beach for some fun with the gang, they're already there,"

It took a while for her to finally agree to just shower with me but, she did and it was the best shower I've ever had. We got dressed, packed the snacks and hopped into the car. When we got to the beach we saw Cameron and Ashley making out, when they saw us though... I felt like cam was hiding something from me...

I know it's short but I'm really tired. there will be a longer and more exciting update tomorrow! promise ♡

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